Friday, February 10, 2012


Yes, we are actually in our 3rd week of "Toy Fair" because there are toy fairs all over the world now. Yes, the ACTUAL show doesn't start til Sunday. ....BUT..our full on, really for real "we just shot 300 pictures at X and here they are" coverage starts TODAY so assume a safe distance from your keyboard so you don't drool all over it and warm up your pre-ordering finger (which just sounds dirty any way you word it). Of course, as in nature, there will be a calm before the storm, so no need to hit refresh all day. Our down n dirty coverage won't start until Friday night, but we should be able to squeeze out some twitpics and twitter info live from the showroom, so keep watch! Until then...get some rest...for me..who is not allowed to sleep until Wednesday.

Are you ready for Toy Fair?

Watch our Flickr for image updates!
Follow me on Twitter for up to the minute news and cell pics as we shoot em!


  1. YEEAAHH!! Go get em toy soldier. We'll live vicariously through you. ;)

  2. Nono..i live vicariously through YOU...because YOUUU get to sleep!! I miss sleep already ~cue dramatic music~
