Thursday, July 29, 2010

SDCC 2010: Bif Bang KA-Pow! Pop Culture Toy Overload

Bif Bang Pow are wish masters. We said "Dear Lord, Please bring us Flash Gordon action figures in our life time and if you've got some cosmic power left over after that, I'd just about kill in your name for a line of Big Lebowski toys." And lo, the Bif Bang happened and a booming voice came from a gargantuan bobble head bellowing WISH GRANTED. ...and it was good.

NOW Bif Bang Pow take San Diego Comic Con by storm with a host of pop culture properties in formats you'll die for. Here's the run down...

VENTURE BROTHERS were a risky proposition. Big Bang said..if you buy them...we'll make more! Well apparently, you bought em! Get ready for more Venture Adventure on the way with new additions to the MEGO-esque line including Dr. Orpheus and The Phantom Limb!!! I also wanted to make a quick note that you can still get Henchmen 21 and 24 from Entertainment Earth so HURRY and snap em up before they are gone.

TWILIGHT ZONE lines continue with innovative bobble heads, full size props to creep you out and those lovable MEGO-rific dolls commemorating your favorite Black and White moments with the characters who made them special.

LOST may have said their final goodbyes but BBP are only getting started on their toy domination of the ominous island. PLASTIC SHALL RULE YOU SMOKE MONSTER!! Which of course begs the question..How DOES one make a smoke monster action figure? SCIENCE!!

DEXTER may not have a lot on tap figure wise at the moment, but that doesn't mean he gets no plastic love. Check out the newest figure to wield the tools of the code and gasp as you realize a Dexter action figure (namely the Dark Avenger) will soon be a Toys R Us exclusive??!!

MOVIES have always been a staple of the BBP product and this year, there is still plenty to come. Flash Gordon, The Big Lebowski and Beastly step up to the plate while Kenny Powers of Eastbound and Down takes a swing at bobble head victory. And then there's Scott Ian...cuz who doesn't want Anthrax action figures?

And just because they were also in the Entertainment Earth booth as well, we shot up Spectre Toys' brilliant Dark Shadows line in all its MEGO-tastic glory. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Dark Shadows and the Twilight Zone figures.
