Wednesday, August 25, 2010's Sale Schedule Thru November

Sometime around the 15th of every month, carnivorous collectors of Ghostbusters figures, DC Comics toys and Masters of the Universe Classics figures start to get twitchy. At a very specific time, a gate on the interwebs is lifted and in rush the hordes of people struggling to nab the latest figures only offered online in limited quantities. Many of my brothers and sisters are now familiar with the infamous "White Room" where in they wait for an open spot to click to purchase their toys as quickly as they can...before being dumped into the white room once more. It is a nerve wracking experience and when you attend a convention and see a guy looking up at a now over priced He-Man toy he missed out on, you just might catch each others gaze and begin to weep openly as you share your post-traumatic stress. Why do we continue to torture ourselves? Damnit...we love those little fucking pieces of plastic and we will develop ulcers trying to get them.

That said...Mattycollector has just announced the fall lineup!! WOOO!


* Ghostbusters™ 6" Egon Spengler™ with PKE Meter™, stack of books
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Chief Carnivus™ (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Gygor™


* Masters of the Universe® Classics Roboto® (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Zodac®


* DCU JLU Parademon™ 2-Pack
* Ghostbusters™ 6" Peter Venkman™ with Ghostbusters™ Logo Base
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Grizzlor® (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Grayskull™ (with Orb)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Weapons Pak Great Wars Assortment

They also mention a HUGE sale on November 29th at 9am (west coast time), so mark your calendar, limber up those clicking fingers and empty out your emotional baggage as you'll soon be filling them to the brim.

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