Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Uncanny X-Force Suit Up

Believe it or not, Cyclops has been getting his hands dirty in the last few years. Seeing the necessity for a little bloodshed in a war for the continued survival of Earth's last remaining mutants, Wolverine is charged with leading a "black ops" team to take out the trash and burn all evidence they leave in their wake. Even for the X-Men, and especially Wolverine...that's fucking DARK!! Now Marvel enters their "Heroic Age", so is there room for a pack of killers among the kid friendly heroes that stand front and center? We are about to find out.

Here's the skinny from Marvel...

After Cyclops disbands Wolverine’s black-ops group, Logan assembles a brand new team to face a deadly new threat, courtesy of fan favorite creators Rick Remender, Jerome Opena and Dean White in Uncanny X-Force #1! Now get an exclusive look at the first issue—and the team’s deadly new mission—in this all-new trailer. You can’t miss Uncanny X-Force #1, in stores October 6! We've got preview art below so enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. I bow down before you!!! Awesome teaser. Looks like it's gonna be sick.Just in time to freak out my Halloween! Even to propose to kill of a super villian just seems wrong. Maybe they have even greater enemies, like their old friends if they succeed in destroying him.

    Art looks so gloomy, but goes with theme?
