Friday, August 5, 2011

A Closer Look at the Amazing Spider-Man's Incredibly Complicated Outfit

July 3, 2012 will see the return of your favorite web head, RE-BOOTED for another attempt at a long lasting franchise for one of the most iconic super heroes the world has ever known. I don't think it is too dramatic to say we are all wishing as hard as we can that this series borrows straight from comic story lines, boasts amazing writing and avoids any sort of musical interludes. Sony kicks things off with a slow roll out of images, first revealing the "real world" recreation of Spidey's blues and reds, now made hi-tech as if they allow him to break the sound barrier without splitting a seam and survive a shark bite simultaneously.

The Amazing Spider-Man's new suit actually reminds me of some incredibly expensive basketball sneakers I've seen in the past...or maybe even the basketball itself. When people talk about the over-complication of a super hero suit, I bet they never imagined the many layers that make up this insane Franken-suit which I believe was originally created to give the Jamaican Bobsledding Team a considerable edge at the next Winter Olympics. Now, one would argue that when you take in the entirety of the suit, it isn't that bad..and when we see the man in action we won't care what the hell he is wearing. My answer to this would be..Sony put up pics of the suit in super hi-rez, so obviously someone is very proud of the work that went into it and we should take this opportunity to peek into every nook and cranny. As a Frat boy would say... "He was askin' for it!" Behold, the many universes folded into the Amazing Spider-Man super suit. Try not to go mad as you travel down to his gooey nougat center! I personally don't care that the tribal spidey-symbol flanked in red directs the viewer's eye directly to his junk. If the writing is solid, the action is expertly planned out and the story doesn't dwell too heavily in the soap opera-esque moments that often mire a Spider-Man epic, I'll be a plump kid in a candy store once again. As a bonus, the super close ups provide us with a nice look at Spidey's old school mechanical web shooters! I'm also hoping my Cosplayer friends will be able to use these shots to start their own movie accurate costumes far ahead of the film's release. This raises the biggest question I have for the film makers right now. If Peter Parker doesn't want anyone to know his super alter ego....then WHO THE HELL MADE THIS PSYCHOTIC COSTUME??!! The last one was hard enough to swallow, but this one is INSANE. Suspension of disbelief in over-drive. Nuff said.


  1. That Spidey suit looks like an alien. That's what I think of when I see alien. :P

  2. the silver mesh was added to make him sparkle in the sunlight following the pattern they want with the Twilight emo Peter Parker clone of Edward. He already had too much hairspray i don't know how he gets that mask on.
    I'm sure that the lizard will keep turning into a shirtless young boy cloned from Jacob and they will be fighting over Gwen Stacy just like in Twilight... damn Sony.

  3. im a little concerned with the bridge scene showing cars flying. The lizard is strong but not car throwing strong.

  4. These are great close-up images of the costume. Thanks for sharing them.
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins
