Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Alamo Drafthouse Boots Patton Oswalt

And no, it wasn't because of The Heart, She Hollers, though it should be. And no, he really didn't get kicked out, because even though we hate most of the live action comedy on Adult Swim, we still love Patton, and HE loves insane people. One such insane person was booted from the Alamo Drafthouse this past year and called to complain about it, even though the Alamo's policy on Zero Cell Phone Tolerance is widely known, explained at the theater and most likely reiterated several times. The call this girl made is now the stuff of legends, and Patton had to get in on the fun, making a spoof of the incident and the call with Jason Reitman during a screening of "Young Adult" at the theater. Let's watch...

I've long been a proponent of 'Zero Cell Phone Tolerance Policy" at all movie theaters and recently, theaters have begun to fight for us, posting messages on the front door and running PSA's before movies, but it is still not enough. Until people start getting tossed, nothing is going to change, and you'll continue to have to pay 12 dollars to sit around multiple people flashing their screens in your face, tapping on key pads that beep with every push, clapping their ultra stylish flip phone closed after checking if they are important every 5 minutes and my favorite, actually answering the phone to have a chat as if no one is about to bludgeon them with the heaviest shoe they can borrow. Join our Zero Cell Phone Tolerance party on FaceBook and drop in to tell us your story today! Honestly, you deserve a reward for not strangling those involved in your discomfort, but we'll give you a little support and a place to vent instead. Deal?

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