Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mr Incredible..The Super Posable Action Figure!

Revoltech is the action figure line from Kaiyodo which utilizes a revolving joint system that clicks into place when it hits a point. This lets you pick a pose and have it stick until you shift it yourself...something you don't see in a lot of toys today. Other key features generally include extra hands, faces, key accessories, flight stand (for jumping or take off poses) and sometimes, creepy eyes you can position! Since Revoltech comes from Japan, the line has enjoyed many diverse licenses an American company would probably not be able to handle, or afford. Some time back, they put out a Woody figure from Toy Story that became an internet sensation with his rape facey charm. ( you have to click that link to get what I'm saying. no amount of explaining will do it justice.) NOW, Kaiyodo takes on the super family we've wanted new toys of for YEAAAARS!!

It's Mr. Incredible!!! This figure features fists and open hands, growling or smirking faces, eyes you can position, many many many points of articulation, a flight stand AND an Omnidroid to battle!! On the down side, the figure is 4.3 inches tall, making it taller than 3 and 3 quarter Marvel Universe and G.I. Joes but way smaller than 6 inch Marvel Legends and your DC Universe Classics. There's also the scale of the Omnidroid to take into consideration...because that roboguy is tiny. Then there's the nearly 40 dollar price tag. Yikes. IF you can get past all these minuses, you can own the very nearly ultimate Mr. Incredible action figure this February.

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