Tuesday, July 16, 2013

SDCC 2013: The Calm Before The Dork

As you pack your finest button down shirts with Megatron, Mumm-Ra and the Punisher logo surrounded by flames in a tasteful array of colors, alongside all your survival gear for the epic journey that is everyone's own personal road to Comic-Con, the town that hosts it all readies itself for the cloud of geek, like an oncoming storm of Superior Spider-Man gripes at their tables and many a high pitched Anime-esque squee (from man and woman) as old friends inexplicably run into each other on the streets outside their shops. All that begins tomorrow...but today...all is quiet. The workmen are building...the hotels are wrapped with upcoming movie art...and the streets are clean and calm...all waiting for the oncoming storm. Dun dun duuuuun. That's your que. You are the storm. Go get em, kids!

As you make your way to the holy lands, we thought we'd give you a look at what's going to greet you as you swing into town.

Marvel appears to own the lamposts, decking them out with Captain America: Winter Soldier and Thor: The Dark World poster art...

Something Sciencefictiony being assembled...

HBO makes their mark for True Blood and Game of Thrones...

Some large TV signage for Dracula, Grimm, Blacklist and a wall of Revolution...

Elektro peeking and Spidey crawling...

Cafe Defiance...

A building that's been gnawed upon by a Godzilla...or something...

Random signage, big and ..still big but not quite as massive...

And round about evidence that the town is ready to greet you, and share in your hard earned dollars.

So...San Diego is ready for Comic-Con. Are you?
 Special thanks to Emilie Noetzel for this pre-show look.

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