Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Toy Fair 2014: Doctor Who, Star Wars, Super Mario & B.A.S.T.A.R.D. at Together+

Sometimes you walk the isles at Toy Fair for 10 minutes and see a lot of excellent people pitching excellent new products, but as a full fledged geek, there isn't much to make your eyes light up. Then you hit that one stand filled with characters from all time periods of your life, presented in new and exciting ways that make you want to just empty your wallet over their heads. Sadly, Toy Fair is not a show for taking home new plastic buddies (for the most part), but we CAN take heaps of pictures so you can share our longing. It's a special torture..among friends.

At the booth named Together Plus, we found a treasure trove of items you'll want to claim as your own, starting with some peculiar little monsters that seemed more suited for the art toy isles in a line called B.A.S.T.A.R.D. (which stands for Bootleg Army Stuck Together and Randomly Designed). From our photos, it is hard to tell if all these pieces belong under that masthead, but we thought they kicked mighty ass, and so we show them to you.

Next up, we've got Papercraft and an line called Chubby for your Star Wars collections. I'm sure you can tell which is which. They also had a Death Star Bird Feeder, which I sort of need to own immediately.

They've got some Doctor Who Papercraft as well...

Update: Right! Not Papercraft at all it seems, but plastic board like the Pirates of the Spanish Main game from Wizkids some time back.

There were Super Mario 15cm figures (roughly 5.9 inches)...

Point of fact, whenever I show you a ridiculously cute Mario plush in an animal costume, they probable came from these guys. Last up, we found some remote control Rabbids, which you can send racing around in a washing machine or giant explosive rocket, among other wacky conveyances.

Photography by H and K Photography UK -

Keep watching for more Toy Fair reports as there is still a ton of stuff to get through.
Check in on our Flickr Galleries regularly for extra images from these sets and more! 
 Note to websites looking for news: Please credit us. Please. .....Please. If you are grabbing pictures, please only grab half at the most of what we are showing and link back for the rest. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your cooperation!

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