Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Toy Fair 2014: Hex Bug Transformers 4 Nano & Warriors

We originally, quite accidentally, gave you a sneak preview of this line back during our first days of UK Toy Fair coverage! Did you catch it? The UK reps sure did! We're heading into the final stretch of collecting data and shooting thousands of images at New York Toy Fair 2014, and as luck would have it, we can now show you Hex Bug's awesome Transformers 4 Warriors!!

Those jumpy, twitchy little Hex Bugs launch into battle with a Transformers 4 movie theme specific to characters like the heroic Autobots Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift and Silver Knight and sinister Decepticons Galvatron, Lockdown, and Stinger. With weapons spinning, flailing, stabbing, mashing and slicing, the battle rages on as the bots take damage and one emerges victorious. Each bot has an insignia that flips up, marking them Autobot or Decepticon, so the battle lines are as clear as they can get. Customize your Warrior for battle with any Transformer weapons and armor for hundreds of combinations!

*Note to websites looking for news: Please credit us. If you are grabbing pictures, only grab half at the most of what we are showing and link back for the rest. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your cooperation!

So...theory time. Megatron is reborn as Galvatron at the hands of Unicron (as was foretold in the legendary Transformers: The Animated Movie). Optimus Prime is captured and tortured (hung upside down even) and then left for dead...cue "You've Got The Touch" and he is reborn as SILVER KNIGHT!! Makes sense, don't it? I'll also bet cash money Stinger is the first Insecticon...or did we know all this already? I'm hardly super informed on Transformers...sound off in the comments, please!

No word on the FULL lineups for the Transformers 4 Hex Bug Warriors and Nanos at the moment, but we think this pile of pictures will tide you over until they make the official announcement. More to come!

And click HERE for our previous Toy Fair 2014 Hex Bug article!

New York Toy Fair is in full swing, so keep checking back for more!
Check in on our Flickr Galleries regularly for extra images from these sets and more!


  1. Yeah none of that is close sorry! Lots of details are known, but unicron is not in it, and stinger is not an insecticon (the insecticons were in revenge of the fallen - http://tfwiki.net/wiki/File:ROTF_Insecticon.jpg). I wouldn't count on silver knight being in the movie as prime already has two different alt/robot modes in it not including a silver one

    1. Ha! Dork 5...which is like a hi5 only u miss completely. Shows u how much attention I paid to Revenge of the Fallen. Was that the one with Devastator and his giant wrecking balls? What if there are multiple Primes in this movie....

  2. If Stinger is an insecticon then Bumblebee is too seeing on how he looks almost exactly like him except they turn into two different vehicles.

  3. Stinger and Bumblebee look nothing alike. I don't know what you are seeing. Totally different.

    1. the chest,shoulders and the face of stinger looks a lot like bumblebee's second mode chest,shoulders and battle mask.Check some photos and you will see the similarities.

  4. I believe that Galvatron, and Stinger will be built be the humans.

  5. stinger is a clone of bumblebee but made better has differnt car mode and goes faster if you see the the tralier it shows writing on the wall saying stinger is a clone but better

    1. So maybe Stinger and Silver Knight are made by the humans but then taken over by Galvatron and the Decepticons?
