Wednesday, October 3, 2018

NYCC 2018: McFarlane Toys Enters the Game of Thrones

McFarlane Toys Game of Thrones Action Figures Night King
McFarlane has been re-acquainting themselves with rabid action figure fans the world over with their mega popular Stranger Things toy line, alongside ongoing Destiny, Call of Duty and Walking Dead additions and the newly arrived Star Trek figures. McFarlane have always been known for their sculpting excellence, but have generally stepped back from providing a great level of articulation, rendering their action figures fairly action-less. That changed with Stranger Things and other recent additions to their toy lines, and hence, the newly recharged excitement! Now word of McFarlane picking up the Game of Thrones license should be raising more than a few eyebrows...

Game of Thrones has had a very successful figure line from Dark Horse, and while they were well sculpted (see our photo series), they had zero articulation. Funko took a stab at a figure line but fans did not embrace it, citing poor quality control, and so, to the clearance pegs they went. Now McFarlane steps up, and we've got high hopes!!

McFalrane's action figure line kicks off with Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, the Night King, and Arya Stark. Here's a quick preview...

McFarlane Game of Thrones Action Figures Jon SnowMcFarlane Game of Thrones Action Figures Night KingMcFarlane Game of Thrones Action Figures Arya Stark

Articulated figures featuring the characters in iconic attire from season seven of Game of Thrones
feature 12+ points of articulation. Each figure comes with character specific and screen accurate accessories. Expect them to start hitting retail in May of 2019.

Stay tuned for more news from New York Comic Con 2018!

Note to websites looking for news: Please credit us. If you are grabbing pictures and info, please only grab half at the most of what we are showing/in each section/of what you are after, and link back for the rest. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your cooperation!

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