Monday, November 2, 2020

The Girl Who Was Convinced Beyond All Reason That She Could Fly

Arsenal Pulp Press The Girl Who Was Convinced Beyond All Reason That She Could Fly
This fall, Arsenal Pulp Press is publishing some truly incredible BIPOC and LGBTQ2S stories which includes The Girl Who Was Convinced beyond All Reason That She Could Fly by Sybil Lamb, a fantastical young-adult illustrated novel about Eggs, a homeless girl who floats along the rooftops and (if you’re lucky) may come crashing into your open window one night.

Lamb brings readers into a unique world born on the fringes of grunge-punk that is filled with whimsy, from the fantastical and stylized illustrations to the eccentric and mischievous cast of characters like Grackle McCart with his hot dog cart that has over 100 different types of hot dog and Splendid Wren, a hippie-punk rock knitter who only eats pancakes and has many theories about the romantic lives of her plants.

In a rusted unnamed city full of five-dollar hotels and flea markets, a young homeless girl named Eggs is trying to make her way in the world. She's shy and bold at the same time, and wary of strangers, but she is convinced beyond all reason that she can fly.

And fly she does, from rooftop to rooftop, from chimneys to phone wires; she scurries up the sides of buildings and sneaks into secret lairs. Eggs is a loner, but she makes two friends: Grack, who sells 100 different kinds of hot dogs from his bicycle cart, and Splendid Wren, a punk rocker whose open window Eggs came crashing through one night. Both Grack and Splendid Wren try their best to protect her, but Eggs meets her match when on a cold night she swoops onto a rooftop and steals a warm jacket belonging to Robin, a neighbourhood baddie with anger management issues. Can Eggs elude his wrathful revenge?

Vivacious and otherworldly, The Girl Who Was Convinced beyond All Reason That She Could Fly is a hope fueled fevered dream about a young girl's flights of fancy filled with the wild joy of knowing exactly who you are. Eggs is the most captivating stranger you’ll chance to meet. 

Arsenal Pulp Press The Girl Who Was Convinced Beyond All Reason That She Could Fly 1Arsenal Pulp Press The Girl Who Was Convinced Beyond All Reason That She Could Fly 1

Sybil Lamb is a Gen X trans woman who writes about homelessness from a place of experience. She spent nearly five years living on the street, successfully squatting in an abandoned mansion post-Katrina (affectionately crowning herself the garbage princess of the 7th ward) and sleeping on rooftops when travelling the US with no fixed address.

Pick up your copy of The Girl Who Was Convinced beyond All Reason That She Could Fly directly from Arsenal Pulp or your favourite indie bookstore today! 

All the toy images you can handle!

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