Tuesday, July 21, 2015

SDCC 2015: Hasbro's Marvel Action Figure Train Does Not Stop

2015 has already been a banner year for Marvel Legends collectors who are finding it hard just to keep up with the relentless releases of 6 inch action figures, and at 22 dollars a pop in some places, I feel your pain! Marvel is my jam...and my jam requires 2 full time jobs to pay for it. Let's take a look at everything Hasbro showed off for the Mighty Marvel Universe, well into 2016...

Pics by Emilie Noetzel, Hailey Mordah and a couple of extras from Awesometoyblog.com with info bits from Ben Delloiacono and myself

Marvel Legends 2016 leads off with Captain America: Civil War. Red Skull Onslaught Build-A-Figure forms the center of this wave with a Classic Captain America (believe it or not, the first Classic Cap Hasbro has done according to pr reps), Mockingbird and Taskmaster. Taskmaster gets an alternate Udon head and Cap becomes CAP WOLF!! It's silly..it's ridiculous...it's Marvel. Yay. Hasbro reps teased that more Marvel Cinematic Universe (aka Movie stars) characters could show up under the Civil War banner, with Vision, Scarlet Witch and Falcon mentioned as possibilities.

Civil War Wave 2 brings us Nuke! He's the guy that goes nuclear when attacked by the New Warriors in CT, killing many, many people, and sparking the Super Human Registration Act which in turn starts Civil War. With the Captain America movie quickly approaching, focusing on this topic, I'd gather we'll see more than a couple of this comic event's key players in plastic form alongside movie stars.

The Spidey-Verse parade seems never-ending at this point, and though toy fans often complain about retailers demanding countless Captain America, Wolverine and Iron Man figures to prop up waves filled with the characters we scream for, there seems to be not one grimace when a full lineup of Spider-men and Women is announced! For my part, I'm an army builder, and though I list myself as "recovering", I'll still happily hunt down every figure made available until my Spider-Army overloads my shelves. The Parker-Party does not stop in 2016, and Hasbro showed off a full, impressive wave with fan favorites aplenty. A Build A Figure Absorbing Man towers over the rest of the lineup including a classic-styled Venom (with alternate tongue-out head), a modern styled Jack O'Lantern, classic Morbius, the female version of The Beetle, Speed Demon (with a little Silvermane head atop a remote control car!!), Ben Reiley -The Sensational Spider-Man (with alternate Spider-Carnage parts) and Spider-Gwen (with an unmasked head).

We also got a glimpse of Abomination (BAF!! Maybe..most likely..as he's said to utilize pieces of the Rhino BAF but be a bit larger. Could he be the center of an all Hulk  wave included much needed Hulk baddies?? I can dream) and a brand new Namor (and if Namor isn't in his green trunks, I might lose my mind with sadness. Oh..he's not...ok then. ~ugly cries~). Dark Hawk, Symbiote Spider-Man and Angela are going to make it into the Fan Choice finals. There's also talks of Netflix series stars getting some plastic love, with Daredevil leading the way, naturally.

ONTO the mostly forgotten world of Marvel Universe 3.75 inch scale AKA Marvel INFINITE something something something action figure bonanza. The releases haven't been too terrible this year, but I can say most of the collectors I know have lost interest due to the multitudes of Legends on the pegs. Still, even my sad local stores don't have a ton of 3.75 inch on hand, so someone is buying up these suckers. COMING UP...

Let's see if I get this right... Captain Marvel (modern), Trident, Noir Spider-Man, First Appearance Iron Man Mark I (in metal colors, not gold, though we can see Gold being an easy, hard to pass up variant), Yulik, and Yanduu. Fan's choice winner Gamora joins Yellow Daredevil, Armored Spider Man, Living Laser, Vision (modern) and Rage for wave 2. We'll also finally be getting a Lockjaw to go with those Inhumans you've been hoarding! We also spotted 3.75 inch Morbius on the very last day of the show, and AwesomeToyBlog caught Korg (of Hulk's Warbound from Planet Hulk) and a blue and gold X-Men Suited Deadpool with an alternate half mask head...sooo...shove them in there somewhere.

Comic 2 packs return with Cap-Falcon and Vance Astro, Female Thor and Unworthy Thor, Machine Man and Superior Iron Man. Wave 2 includes Scarlet Spider and Classic Spider Man, Dark Hyperion and Supreme Hyperion, Captain Marvel (classic green and white costume) and Marvel Now Captain Marvel (with mohawk hair).

 EXTRAS!! The whole world of Hasbro Marvel isn't just 6 and 3.75 inch. OH NO. There are..other...inches...to exploooore...ya know this whole sentence went to hell. I'm gonna own it. Among the not so popular TITAN series of figures geared toward lil kids was the Hulkbuster everyone assumed was the same one in stores now...BUT IT WAS NOT. Dwight Stall told our Ben this "Titan Hero Hulk-Buster stands about 18” tall and he actually opens up to put most of our Titan Heroes inside! So, you can armor up almost any of our Titan Heroes for battle." Stands to reason if it will fit a 12 inch figure, it can certainly fit a 6 inch Legend...and if modded by the more industrious among us, could fit a movie Iron Man figure quite nicelt I'd bet! PROJECT!!! This figure is a Walmart exclusive, probably slated for October like the rest of the new Age of Ultron releases, priced at $34.99.

We spotted some new 6 inch...ish..(or very possibly 3.75 inch) action figures with limited articulation and paints including some characters we don't even have in the legends wave (total shocker) including Vision, Scarlet Witch, an Iron Legion Soldier, first appearance Ultron and final form Ultron. The perspective is throwing me off so it's hard to tell the scale, but right now, I'm going to bet on 3.75 inch.

In the 2 inch scale, it seems Hasbro has added a bunch of characters...but...no..Black Widow still?? So very weird. We now have a Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in the line..but no Black Widow. Huh.

Want more? COURSE ya do! Our Marvel Legends Flickr Gallery has 294 pictures, the Infinite Gallery has ..umm...well 12. I PROMISE I DIDN'T TELL THE CREW TO PLAY FAVORITES!! The Legends Diorama Gallery has 315 pics...soooo...go crazy while you pretend to be working. We'd go into an analysis of the Legends Diorama, but there was only 1 new figure in there (Sauron) and as usual, it was a custom job. The diorama customs are traditionally never made as mass release figures, and granted, Sauron isn't the first thing that falls out of a Legends fan's mouth when you ask who they want to be made into a figure next...but you never know. Odd choice for the only custom in the case!

Note to websites looking for news: Please credit us. If you are grabbing pictures, please only grab half at the most of what we are showing and link back for the rest. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your cooperation!

Entertainment Earth

1 comment:

  1. It was Nitro, not Nuke who destroyed Stamford, CT and subsequently sparked the Civil War
