Saturday, July 11, 2015

SDCC 2015: Nicole's Adventures: Day 1

While Hailey is no stranger to San Diego Comic-Con, she's clearly been whipped into a nerd-frenzy this year! Wish all the insanity surrounding Star Wars and Batman V Superman, who could blame her! Now we get an alternate perspective from Nicole Marrokal, a photographer known to dress up and blend right in with the cosplayers around her. Nicole is not a regular writer, so we've got the highlights of her activities, in her own words...

Well let's see I fought and won with my new wig and this year I have a parking spot across the street from the convention center so I drove and that was interesting. I used my friend's parking spot. Her dog was the one who took a picture with Conan.

The dog loved it and no that's not me that's my friend holding the dog. She didn't have a ticket. She just walk down with me and we looked at everything before I walked into the convention center. I unfortunately did not get to meet Conan. We got tickets at the door to see a panel about fanfiction...

I walked around snapping pictures of people bumped into my friend Jimmy Sherfy. He is really big into cosplay he has been on (I think) 2 panels now at other conventions. He was Jack Frost and his friend was the tooth fairy and if I remember right. She made his costume.

I looked at the new My Little Pony dolls because my nieces are obsessed and I know I will probably be buying one of them for her birthday. The Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon figures are something I always go see every year to check prices because I probably will end up owning a few of them .. those ones I'm obsessed with. And now for some weird reason I'm obsessed with Harley Quinn as well. (Because Harley Quinn!!)

Walked around some more taking pictures of people. With some, I asked to take their picture... they looked at me and then walked off, so I was like OK! Then I headed over into artist's alley and the painting section there included some gorgeous oil paints of Star Wars and Game of Thrones. The pictures do not do it justice. The Star Wars piece was huge.

I played new Skylanders game... I normally don't play Xbox.. i'm a PlayStation person, but it handled really easily and the graphics were very good. I am still horrible at the shooting characters but once I got to change it to this like flying dragon lizard metal creature that punched, I was doing a lot better. I got to try out one of the cars so he raced around on the screen. One vehicle looked  like a hover plane but it wasn't working, and there were two different race cars. Mine was red with flames. It looks bad ass so I used it!

Here's a view of the show from Nicole's camera...


Entertainment Earth

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