Wednesday, December 20, 2023

THE STRANGERS: CHAPTER 1 In Theaters May 17, 2024


In these modern times, we are all too ready to throw away what we consider "out-dated absolutes" the notion of "pure evil". There's always a motive for why someone does something. reasons to justify the most hideous acts, or just turn a blind eye to them. While our fekked up little world has been showing us no end of people willing to be outwardly EVIL for reasons THEY think are completely justified, their actions are still seen as monstrous within human boundaries. This being the case, it's shocking we don't see more movies and media where a human being is discovered to be doing horrific things by night while leading what is considered a "normal life" by day. Said person would commit acts purely on impulse and derive a perverse happiness from their works completed. No more reason given than they were compelled to hideous action. We may not be cranking out true-to-life tales of horror these days (most likely because the world is horrific enough), but in 2008, The Strangers came knocking.

When asked why they were driven to torment and murder, one among them answered in a sweet, controlled, innocent tone. "You were home." With this mysterious, murderous drive revealed as random carnage, a trio of horror icons were born, and destined to be resurrected so long as people feel the need to terrify themselves while in the safety of their own homes. Now 2024 promises new callers will come knocking.

So far, the only information we have on this film (reboot?) reads as follows: 

While on a road trip, a couple become the prey of mysterious masked strangers at their remote vacation rental.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 hits theaters May 17th, 2024. Directed by Renny Harlin. Starring Madelaine Petsch and Froy Gutierrez. 

More to come!

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