Based on the Brian K. Vaughan Marvel Comic series, Runaways centers on a group of kids who discover their parents are super villains and flee to escape what is sure to be some s dark future. Show creators have teased this show will be part of the Marvel "It's All Connected" banner, thought we've seen that doesn't mean much when looking at past episodes of the Netflix and Agents of SHIELD shows. Quick mentions about wall crawling teens and green rampaging monsters are all well and good, but it doesn't exactly CONNECT a show to this larger universe of super powered beings. Still, we'll take note of the impending Cloak and Dagger and New Warriors hitting TVs everywhere soon and reason there's enough for some interesting interactions in a proposed Marvel-Teen-iverse.
Still..would it kill them to have, at the very least, product placement throughout all the shows? Spider-Man: Homecoming showed us how different high school would be in a world fully amerced in a world of super heroes and the villains they fight. While I'm not expecting Captain America public service messages every where you look, would it be too much to ask for STARK branding on products alongside other large Marvel Universe companies? GIVE US EASTER EGGS!!! Seriously, that's all we want every week!
Here's the new Runaways trailer...
Runaways hits HULU November 21st!
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