For the newbs in the audience, Revoltech action figures are made by Japanese company Kaiyodo featuring a revolving click-joint system allowing for maximum posability in a figure somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 inches tall. Most come packed with extra hands, weapons and a stand to make this the coolest little sucker on your desk at work. Add to that licenses like Transformers, Aliens, Predator, Batman, Trigun, popular Manga titles and hot Anime girls and you can't go wrong. Now it seem Kaiyodo have snapped up a Marvel Movie license and are showing off their first piece - Iron Man Mark 6!! He'll come packed with 2 sets of hands, hand blasts, a flight stand with blast effect and a nameplate. No word yet if this is the start of a Revoltech Marvel Movie onslaught, much like we've been getting from Hot Toys, but the second there is more info, we'll be sure to report on it! To buy Revoltech figures, check in with your local comic shop...otherwise they are easily googlable online. Amazon even has their own exclusive line of mix and match figures!