Zuru's 5 Surprise Mini Brands line launched last year, but seems to have really caught fire in this one, adding a series 2 and Toy Mini Brands to your piles of compact collectibles. Cracking open a 5 Surprise ball reveals 5 compartments, each holding a treat from the most fun place in the world...THE GROCERY STORE!!! Kids and adults alike will thrill as they uncover buckets of Cool Whip, jugs of Almond Milk, bricks of Philly Cream Cheese and bottles of Thousand Island Dressing. All kidding aside, kids are going nuts for these toys and their parents are having just as much fun tracking them down and cracking them open.
The oddest thing about Mini Brands is not the nature of the toys but the scale of each item that seems completely random. We sat down a 6 inch Deadpool figure alongside an 8 inch Diamond Select Hulk figure to see what we could pilfer for future photo shoots and found a lot of the food items were larger than Deadpool's head. If we're stocking Pool's basement to ride out the rest of this pandemic with one mighty trip to Costco, I suppose the massive packages would make sense. Thankfully, there was way more in scale within the Toy Mini Brands line, which allowed our figures to play with Spongebob Squarepants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ang the Avatar and Stimpy, among others. If you are an action figure collector and you've not yet discovered the joy of giving your toys their own tiny toys, you are missing out!
Super Impulse have known the value of hitting us in the retro toy feels for some time now, and set out to make the "World's Smallest" version of each doll, action figure, game and plush you loved as a kid. From Stretch Armstrong to Glow Worm, He-Man to Barbie's Dream House, Care Bears to MEGO Monsters, Super Impulse are doing their best to cover it all. Are they popular? Try finding even one World's Smallest action figure on a retail shelf anywhere!
We'll also note that SI have been making Tiny Arcade (small video game cabinets) and add new titles every year. Are they awesome looking? Hells yes. Can you play them too? HELLS YES!! It's 100% amazing and will floor anyone with a soft spot for the arcades where they pumped their allowance into metal slots every Saturday.
Not to be outdone by Zuru, Super Impulse added Wacky Packages Minis to their tiny toy lineups. Each carton contains 5 mini products spoofing popular brands and 1 sticker. Just like the sticker packs from days gone by, each one is more ridiculous than the next.
While both Super Impulse and Zuru's 5 Surprise Mini brands are in stores now, you may have an easier time hunting online at this point.
So...now you're saying to yourselves...gee Paul, if only I could watch THREE HOURS of someone opening Zuru Mini Brands 5 Surprise balls, it would make my holidays so much better. FEAR NOT!! I GOT YOU!!
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