Friday, February 21, 2020

Toy Fair 2020: Hasbro's Ghostbusters Preview

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Toys
Almost time to head into New York City and set up shop for Toy Fair 2020! As I prep the gear and ready my camera for a hell of a workout, the news is coming in hot and heavy. One such item is from a source who provided new, official pictures from Hasbro's Ghostbusters line, confirming the newest licensor is exploring the "Real Ghostbusters" cartoon look (kinda?) along with a movie accurate line touching on everything from the first appearance to the newest film, Afterlife.

Hasbro has pulled out all the gimmicks for their new Ghostbusters lines, incorporating their Star Wars "Blade Builder" lightsaber tech into the Proton Pack roleplay items...and more specifically, the "Ghost Blaster M.O.D.", which is customizable.

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Ghost Blaster M.O.D

They also took a cue from their own Avengers roleplay items in creating their Ghostbusters Proton Pack, which allows you to attach the Blaster and Whistle while scoping the area with your PKE Meter.

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Ghost Whistle

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters PKE Meter

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Proton Blaster

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Proton Pack

Now for those Real Ghostbusters-esque figures! We've got a good look at the Ecto-1, which is described as a "playset", and two of the figures from the Fright Feature action figure line; namely Peter and Winston. We are told the figures will include a "reveal the ghost" sort of gimmick in the packaging, so kids get that "mystery figure unboxing" element of play and you completists get to hunt down all the different variants!!! Fun fun.

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Playset

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Fright Feature Peter Venkman Action Figure

Toy Fair 2020 Hasbro Ghostbusters Fright Feature Winston Zeddemor  Action Figure
Ghostbusters is my JAM, so you bet i'll be on the lookout for further news. Stay tuned!!

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