When you have a passion for making monsters...
When you have a desire to break into the toy industry...
When you are ready to roll out your dreams but no one else really clicks with your vision...
That's when you activate YOUR LAST RESORT!!
Artist Bryan Fulk is practically a one-man band, reviving wildly creative, vintage mini-figure monster lines like the Trash Bag Bunch Bunch and Diener Space Creatures. When his work is complete, we get select freaks upscaled 8 to 9 inches tall and cast in vinyl. To say it's a middle-aged monster kid's dream come true is stating the obvious!
We caught up with Bryan at the Summer edition of Pennsylvania's ZOLOCON to see what strange beasts we could expect next. Below you'll find pictures of old favorites Last Resort Toys had on display and for sale, alongside a preview of the next denizens to crawl out of the shadows!
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