In the irradiated wasteland known as Cursed Earth lies Mega-City One, a violent metropolis where 17,000 crimes are reported each day. In Mega-City One, when you need help you call a Judge. And when a Judge needs help they call Dredd.
Pop Culture Shock Collectibles is proud to present their realistic depiction of the most famed and feared lawman of them all, the legendary enigma, Judge Dredd.
“The best hero costumes tend to be streamlined and simple, but Dredd breaks all those rules,” said Jerry Macaluso, President of Pop Culture Shock. “He’s bulky, complex and completely over the top. And yet it all works, telling you everything you need to know about his world in a single glance. Not only is it one of the best designs in comic book history, but one that translates very naturally in the ‘real world.’"
The Judge Dredd 1:4 statue will be available with 3 different options:
- Retail Edition
- PCS 'Mega-City' EX: Includes everything from the Retail Edition as well as a swap-out raised gun arm and a comic-style portrait
- PCS 'Comic' EX - Painted in a style to resemble the recent 'Urban Warfare' comic, including a new comic-style portrait and a new base.
Will be available through quality collectible retailers
Price : $439.99
Edition Size : TBD
Size : 21.5"(54.5cm) x 12" (30.5cm) x 11" (28cm)
Est Ship : 1st qtr 2017
Only available directly through PCS
Price : $439.99
Edition Size : To be Announced Next Weekend
Size : 21.5"(54.5cm) x 12" (30.5cm) x 11" (28cm)
Est Ship : 1st qtr 2017
Includes : Includes additional 'comic style' portrait and swap-out raised Lawgiver arm
Up to 10% Discount with Pre-Order
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