New York Comic Con is quickly becoming a hunter's show. Where as San Diego Comic Con is known for being a center for previews, be they from the world of toys, movies, tv or comics, New York is a little more laid back, allowing people from the opposite coast to see a portion of those toys and mayyyybe something new here and there. This makes reporters interested in toy news hunt in every booth for little bits of newsworthy plastics...a figure here...a new variant there...OR A WHOLE LINE OF MADBALLS!!!
Were these shown at SDCC? Honestly, I have no idea. The year has been a complete blur, so the discovery at kidrobot was entirely new to me...and I geeked out...and then I went over to Frank Kozik, Creative Director of kidrobot...and I geeked out some more. They seem somewhat brighter for some reason, but they are definitely Madballs!
This January 2017 will see the release of at least three 4 different scales of Madball madness! You'll find 1 1/2 inch blind box Keychains and mini blind box Madballs featuring 16 different characters, then 4 inch foam balls (6 different ones) and 2 "medium" heads that seem more like a large!
Note for websites looking for news: Please credit us! Only take 2-3 images and link back for the rest. Thanks for your cooperation!
Nice blog