Based on DC characters originally written and drawn by Arnold Drake, Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani, the one-hour drama DOOM PATROL is a re-imagining of one of DC’s most beloved group of outcast Super Heroes: Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Girl and Crazy Jane, led by modern-day mad scientist Dr. Niles Caulder (The Chief). The Doom Patrol's members each suffered horrible accidents that gave them superhuman abilities — but also left them scarred and disfigured.
Traumatized and downtrodden, the team found purpose through The Chief, who brought them together to investigate the weirdest phenomena in existence — and to protect Earth from what they find. Part support group, part Super Hero team, the Doom Patrol is a band of super-powered freaks who fight for a world that wants nothing to do with them. Picking up after the events of TITANS, DOOM PATROL will find these reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by none other than Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.
Executive Produced by Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns, Jeremy Carver, and Sarah Schechter.
Written by Jeremy Carver.
13 episodes of the series have been ordered and production kicks off this year for a 2019 release.
Monday, May 14, 2018
DC Universe Digital Service Greenlights DOOM PATROL
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