Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Power Rangers Get DARK

Often, when a series is as loved across the globe as Power Rangers is, you get fan films. In my circle of friends, most of those tend to be Star Wars and Marvel Comics related, making it all the more baffling that Power Rangers isn't shown more indie film love. Welp...today...that ends...and you can forget everything you expect from indie cinema. This Power Rangers "bootleg" isn't super dramatic, overly artistic or having the appearance of a micro budget epic. Quite simply, this is Power Rangers on crack. (yes, I hate myself for saying it like that.) There's blood, techno destruction, more blood...OH and our favorite Bitch Puddin, Katee Sakhoff. LET'S WATCH!!!

Adi Shankar has excellent reasons for this gritty, ultra realistic, ultra-violent version of the Power Rangers. Most of it has to do with the realization that children, in every iteration of the Rangers-mythos, as asked to go to war and are weaponized to that end. THAT is something that bears addressing.

Of course, this film lends no foreshadowing to the actual feature film we are getting in the not-too-distant-future. The ideals and tone of the Power Rangers TV show are way sunnier and hopeful, and we don't expect the keepers of that legacy to abandon it so quickly. Power Rangers have a model that has proven successful for many years when they could boast they were the number 1 brand on retail shelves. Recently, we've noticed a severe drought of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys around the holidays, while the Power Rangers section shrinks and lingers. Could this be the market calling for the same level of reality, drama and (light) darkness children and adults alike have embraced in TMNT? If this bootleg catches fire, I'll be very interested to see what happens next.

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