Join the Winx Club, a group of fairies who fight evil using their unique magical powers! In this first installment, Bloom is introduced to Fairy school in Magix, and a whole new world of superpowered girlfriends, scary monsters, and wicked witches — all the while becoming stronger herself and finding the true meaning of friendship.
There is a second piece of news that will excite Winx fans: At this year’s New York Comic Con (Thu, Oct 12, 2023 – Sun, Oct 15, 2023), readers will be able to buy an early version of the book with a limited Edition NYCC 20th Gold Foil cover, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Winx series! We are pleased to be able to provide the Gold Foil cover here, and below.
The foil cover can be purchased on the floor of NYCC at the official WINX booth #3154, as well as Mad Cave Studios booth (Booth #3441).
NYCC Attendees will be able to attend the Winx Anniversary panel on October 14th: The Winx Club’s Sparkling 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Set in a magical universe that is inhabited by fairies, witches, and other mythical creatures, the beloved Winx stories originally premiered in 2004, becoming a ratings success in Italy and on Nickelodeon networks internationally. Unlike many other remakes, The Winx Club has been evolving in some way ever since its conception, keeping its original DNA alive while riding the wave of new trends over time.
Winx Club Vol. 1: Welcome to the Magix (On-sale January 16, 2024; 9781545811375; $14.99) is available for preorder now wherever books are sold.
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