Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Star Trek Big Bang Theory

Sometimes...things just come together. Sometimes...things just make sense. No...this is not a Talking Heads song. Funko are always looking for the next big thing in the world of pop culture and at the same time, look for new opportunities to mine the classic properties we've been buying into since we were old enough to scream "BATMAN" into an old lady's ear....not that I ever did anything like that. That said, you'll agree that bobbles of the cast of Big Bang Theory dressed in Star Trek outfits is a no-brainer, instant win, full of awesome uber idea, yes? We thought so.

Here's the crazy psycho/ genius rant from Funko...

Star Trek fans will swoon!
Big Bang Theory fans will be screaming "Take My Money!".
How DO we do it? :)
And, dare I say it?
We haven't had new chase pieces in a while, so let me clue you in on how that works...
One in every 36pcs produced will be Metallic! Oh yes!

Should I keep chit chatting?
Oh...You want to see images you say?
Well...I don't know if you can handle the awesome...Can you?
You don't have a bad heart or anything right?
I don't want anyone getting hurt.
OK OK...Here you go!!!

Click the Links to Pre-Order Raj, Howard, Leonard or Sheldon! Available MAY 2ND!

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