Horror fans and collectibles go together like a plump, happy kid and pie. I'd go so far as to say horror fans are the ONLY segment of geekdom you can always talk into buying some sort of collectible from their favorite films or depicting a specific favorite character. Not sure what it is, but we just love looking at the grinning, drooling, maniacal faces of our favorite fiends every day. Gives us warm fuzzies. Bowen is a statue manufacturer that has been cranking out exceptional Marvel goods for some time now, but only recently have they been treading down the darker corridors made famous by The Avengers and Spider-Man. This past April, Bowen released a Tomb of Dracula statue that blew the minds of vampire lovers everywhere. Now, they add an undead experiment to the mix.
Due out this December, this Marvel Monsters Frankenstein statue stands over 16 inches tall and will run you around $265.
Click Here to nab one from Bowen! For good measure we thought we'd show off that Dracula statue as well. He is sold out at the source, but I'm sure someone out there on the internet has one up for grabs. Happy hunting!
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