Disney's Emmy Award-winning animated series "Gravity Falls" reaches its final showdown in the highly anticipated one-hour finale episode on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 (7:00 p.m. EST) on Disney XD. In the episode titled "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls," Ford discovers Bill's true motives and then a final confrontation with Bill leads to the Pines family's ultimate fate and greatest sacrifice. Starring Jason Ritter ("Parenthood") as Dipper and Kristen Schaal ("The Last Man on Earth") as Mabel, the animated adventure-comedy series was created and is executive-produced by Alex Hirsch. The series will continue to be presented daily on Disney XD and Disney Channels around the world.
Disney Publishing will release the official "Gravity Falls: Journal 3," a book that appears within the TV series and is an integral part of the "Gravity Falls" story, in July 2016.
A half-hour program introducing exclusive facts about the series, featuring special commentary from Hirsch and hosted by "Gravity Falls" character Time Baby, will air MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (8:00 p.m. EST) on Disney XD.
Disney XD will present a 68-hour marathon beginning FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 (11:00 p.m. EST). Additionally, the new interactive game "Gravity Falls: Take Back The Falls" allowing players to help Dipper and Mabel save the world, will launch on WATCH Disney XD in mid-February.
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