We've been spending a lot of time telling you about all the mind blowing San Diego Comic Con Exclusives you can buy, instead of food and a hotel room (gotta have priorities), but we haven't touched on a very special aspect of SDCC. See, SDCC is a magic place. As you roam the floor, you will see your fellow nerdlings waving one hand in the air, in a frantic, sort of desperate manor, while standing in front of a booth. If you cue up and follow their lead, suddenly, you hand will not be empty!! MAGIC!! My free stuff scores have included Charlie Brown T Shirts, blow up weapons, Galactus hats, Starro face fish masks, Moss Man deodorant, Flynn's Arcade tokens and even a very special lenticular cover for my Iron Man DVD. Now Diamond Select continue this wizardly tradition with free Pirate Minimates. God bless America. Here's the skinny..

Hey, all you Minimates lovers out there. So, you know how I said there were gonna be free Minimates at San Diego Comic-Con? Well, there are. Four, to be exact. A specially packaged Pirate Raiders Minimate will be given out at the Diamond Select Toys booth every day at noon: Robert Deal on Thursday, Jonathan Barnet on Friday, Charles Vanes on

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