Exactly 1 day away from the biggest geek show on the planet. San Diego Comic Con draws people of all ages, from all walks of life and varying degrees of body stink all under one roof to partake of free swag, meet celebs, watch movies before anyone else, buy exclusive collectibles....OOH YEA..AND THERE ARE SOME COMIC BOOKS THERE TOO!! Since this show is such a beast, this year Emilie Noetzel (all pro photographer) and myself (Paul Nomad) are teaming up with the crew of the SS. Mighty Mighty Cool Toy Review! Now you know how ADD prone I am, so while you will be getting updates here and especially on the Flickr, the bulk of the images and info will be hitting Cool Toy Review first...mainly because they are flesh eating pirate robots that don't need sleep..or free drinks.. like I do...so check their site as often as you need your SDCC fix throughout the show. Also, make sure you are following me on TWITTER for live updates from the show floor whenever I see something awesome or meet a celeb who feels like flipping me the bird. I'm also on FACEBOOK if you are not twitterfied yet.
And now...for those going to the show and those at home waiting eagerly to pre-order those awesome SDCC Exclusives...we present this handy dandy list of companies we've compiled with each link leading to a gallery STUFFED with pictures and info on their goodies! We also managed to squeeze free swag info out of some of these damned dirty apes, so let's begin there.

Dark Horse
Diamond Select

Image Comics
Marvel Comics
For those keeping score at home, that's 115 sets and 1,098 pictures inside them all!!! Holeeee crap. If anyone announces more exclusives between now and then show, please kindly tell them the ship has sailed and we set the pier on fire behind us. ...And Kneel Before ZOD. Thank you.
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