"Tangled," an animated series for kids, tween and families, based on Walt Disney Animation Studios' acclaimed feature film, has begun production with Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi reprising their roles as Rapunzel and Eugene (also known as Flynn Rider). The series will premiere in 2017 on Disney Channels around the world. It was announced today by Gary Marsh, President and Chief Creative Officer, Disney Channels Worldwide. It will also reunite Disney Legend and Academy Award-winning composer Alan Menken and lyricist Glenn Slater.
Produced by Disney Television Animation, the series was developed by animation veterans Chris Sonnenburg (Disney's "Enchanted") and Shane Prigmore ("The Lego Movie").
Marsh said, "The genius of the original movie was its seamless blending of cinematic adventure, character-driven comedy and touching emotion. And we are fortunate to have several of the creative talent from that movie on board with this new production. With the addition of Chris and Shane as Executive Producers, we have the perfect team in place to create a series worthy of the original film."
Set between the events of the feature film and the start of the 2012 short film, "Tangled Ever After," the animated series unfolds as Rapunzel acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom and the people of Corona. Her irrepressible spirit and natural curiosity about the world drives her to the realization that there is so much more she needs to learn before she can truly accept her royal destiny. She boldly puts her crown and impending marriage on hold to seek out epic adventures, much to the dismay of the King who, after missing out on Rapunzel's youth, must accept that his daughter is now an independent young woman. Accompanying Rapunzel on her journey will be Eugene; the plucky chameleon sidekick, Pascal; the no-nonsense horse, Maximus; the Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs; and newcomer Cassandra, a tough-as-nails handmaiden, who becomes Rapunzel's confidant.
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