Spin Master is the focus of our attention today, folks! If you are a casual collector or only delve into super hero plastics, this massive company may be unfamiliar to you, but one look at their excellent sculpts on the How to Train Your Dragons line and you'll agree that ANY property is more than safe in their hands. That said, with a license like Angry Birds, we expect nothing more than spot on likenesses and tons of innovative fun from this group...and they did not disappoint.
NOTE: All information is translated from foreign information, so while the products are 100% real, the names might be a little off.
Whether you were looking to laugh along with, or directly AT a toy line today, Spin Master has you covered. To explain, we aren't sure if some of the hilarity of the Angry Birds line comes from our poor translations of the foreign information sent over to us ...or if Spin Master is just so confident the joke is...just so damn worth it. Case in point....Angry Balls.
Sounding more like a brilliantly genius knock off of the classic Madballs toy line, these Angry Balls feature your favorite Angry Birds characters...in ball form, naturally. A separate playset seems to feature box blocks and flat piggie targets who taunt you the second they are released from their packaging. JUST LOOK AT THEIR MOCKING FACES!! Unleash your Angry Balls and wipe those smug looks off of every porky mug. JUSTICE. We've got separate info for the balls and playset, so we assume you can get a ready to play pack with pigs, constructable blocks and mayyyybe two ...Angry Balls (at this point I love saying it), as well as separate balls to fill up your sack of balls. (ok i'm done.) If it actually came with a sack i'd literally die.

Continuing on with sets that allow you to recreate the fun of the mobile video games, we've got...
Your basic Angry Birds playset complete with flinger and destructible features
Angry Birds Swine Ship Attack
and Angry Birds Rollers (presumably with lil wheels in their bellies) and a Rollers Track Playset

There will be blind packaged mini figures...
Talking Figures
And of course, soft n squishy Plush (in large, medium and small sizes)
We are still two weeks off from the start of New York International Toy Fair, so keep watching for more on Spin Master and their Angry Balls! I mean Birds. Of course.
Note to websites looking for news: Please credit us. If you are grabbing pictures and info, please only grab half at the most of what we are showing and link back for the rest. We appreciate your interest and thank you for your cooperation!
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