the comic adaptation of the first film, IRON MAN: I AM IRON MAN! (Issue #1 in stores now, #2 in stores Feb. 24) reveals previously untold details about Tony Stark and Nick Fury's meeting and how it all begins fitting into "Iron Man 2!" In fact, the art you're looking at on this page comes from IRON MAN: I AM IRON MAN! #2 and serves as a mere glimpse into the extended scene played out in the comic that shows how Tony really reacts to Fury's intrusion, how that first meeting ends and much more!
Let's flash back to the first on-film encounter appearing post credits of "Iron Man"-Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) has just revealed to the world that he is indeed Iron Man. Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) pays Tony a visit, informing him: "Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe, you just don't know it yet."
Truer words have never been spoken!
That "bigger universe" they both belong to is what's being called the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You've seen Nick Fury in "Iron Man." You've seen Tony Stark in "The Incredible Hulk." And you've most recently seen Nick Fury again in the "Iron Man 2" trailer.
As key stories play out on the big screen be sure to keep your eyes on Marvel comics and Marvel digital comics for expanded glimpses into the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, crises and calamities you're seeing on the big screen!
Believe us, there will be plenty to read leading into "Iron Man 2." And it won't slow down with "Thor" on May 6, 2011, "The First Avenger: Captain America" on July 22, 2011 and "The Avengers" on May 4, 2012!
COVER BY: Adi Granov
WRITER: Peter David
PENCILS: Sean Chen
INKS: Array
THE STORY: The world of the mega-blockbuster hit IRON MAN blows up in these pages! Featuring bonus scenes not in the original movie, "I Am Iron Man!" is THE comic to read before the hotly anticipated IRON MAN 2! Peter David (X-FACTOR) and Sean Chen (MIGHTY AVENGERS) bring you this expanded reimagining of the movie you love! Rated T ...$3.99
IN STORES: February 24, 2010
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