Friday, May 6, 2016


Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, most likely at your humble local comic shop, there will be free comic books for all who love them, and those who have been comic-curious after being inundated with movies and merchandise everywhere you look. I will also point out that this doubles as "hug your local comic shop owner day", because while the comic books are free for you, they are not free for the comic shops participating. They do it out of love. Love for youuuu. I personally will be doing my hugging at the Comic Crypt at 55 White Rd #1, Shrewsbury, NJ. Where ever you might be attending, be sure to give them hugs, bring them cookies, tweet about their store goings on and make sure to generally show them how much you appreciate them on this high holy day. ON TAP for free comic book day, you may find the following...

2016 Silver Books

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