Shout Factory: The ONLY company able to make Gamera and the Mystery Science Theater crew play nice with each other. The fine fiends at the Factory have sent a nice stack of DVD's for prizes. Get your copy of Galaxy of Terror signed by Sid Haig and ask him about giant alien rapist slugs!
Magnolia: Providing only the most insane collection of movie titles for the masses. Magnolia is sending a stack of posters from current releases like Troll Hunter and Rubber (the story of a killer tire!) as well as some DVDs for prizes.
Quirk Books: Those warped geniuses behind Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! Quirk generously dumped 2 boxes of books in my lap for prizes as well as some awesome posters you'll be able to scoop up.
After Dark: Always sure to bring you 8 Films to DIE For. Their posters will be on the table for you to snatch while selections from their DVD collections will be tossed into our hourly contests.
SEGA: Who recently infused your Wii with Conduit 2 and will soon possess your Kinect! For all my geeks in the house, SEGA sent us the last of their exclusive WONDERCON Thor and Loki posters as well as limited edition Conduit 2 figures for the contests! These were only released in Australia, so if you are a furious gamer, be on the lookout!
Dark Horse: They’ll show you their Tim Burton goodies if you show them yours! (this is gonna get weird..I can tell). We'll be displaying 2 pieces from their large scale Tim Burton Tragic Toys for Boys & Girls series.
Warner Brothers: That movie company who service every sort of geek under the sun. I actually have no idea what the good ole WB is sending, but I hope it looks like rolls of awesome posters!
Activision: Who will make that Call of the Dead for you and won’t reverse the charges. Come grab a free contest ticket and hope your number is up..to win a limited edition Call of the Dead poster!!
HBO: With the triumphant return of your favorite southern fried Vamps. HBO want you to celebrate the new season of True Blood with us so look for some limited edition teaser posters on the tables.
IMAX: Who pose the question; What is better than Pirates of the Caribbean in 3D? Pirates of the Caribbean in IMAX 3D on a screen bigger than your house!!! The movie is in theaters now, but we'll keep the party going with some posters & other pirate booty.
Adrenaline PR: Rocking your brains out since the days of Gozer the Gozerian! Again...no clue what our friends in metal are sending over, but I'm sure it will ROCK.
Want some free stuff while rubbing elbows the with nightmare elite? Get your ass to Saturday Nightmares!! We’ll see you there!

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