At any rate, Marvel "revealed" The Hulk with an awesome photo by Ed McGowan and promise more later in the day, so bookmark this page and we'll update when new images are available. Here's a run down of the info given by the Hasbro Toy Development Team...
- We worked closely with Marvel to capture the likeness of each of the characters from the movie.
- The Hulk figure is actually a little bigger than the rest of the figures in the product line!
- Regarding HULK detail --- he is slightly shorter than the Destroyer, but definitely a wider character sculpt. He comes with a HULK SMASH feature!!!
- I think you will be pleased to find that the AVENGERS line contains several scales of action figures...we know our collector community appreciates the 3 3/4in scale, and I think you will LOVE our new 6" Legends figures.
- We have planned over 15 different figures in our AVENGERS 3 3/4 in product line, however we have many more within MARVEL UNIVERSE -- as well as figures at other scales within the AVENGERS line.
- Regarding articulation --- Across the AVENGERS 3 3/4 in line, you will find approximately11 to 17 points, depending on the figure and their feature/function
- It can be challenging to capture actor likeness at this small scale, but these days we often start from 3D scan data provided by Marvel. Even so, to get the figures to look correct at each scale, it requires a sculptor's finesse...something a computer can't achieve on it's own!
- Most of our AVENGERS figures will be movie series, but we did mix in some 'classic' for Marvel fans. Regarding variants....our lips are sealed!
- There WILL be exclusives this Spring.
- We'll have more vehicles than ever! The new AVENGERS movie has given us some great material to work with...watch out for more news at New York Toy Fair !
- We don't have Agent Coulson planned for the 2012 line, however you will see many new characters that you've never seen before in our line-up.
- For SUPERHERO SQUAD fans...yes we have new packs and figures in our movie lineup!

I'll add that NONE of my questions went across, but a question about Thor's hair did. If I sigh anymore you'll call me emo ...or asthmatic.
CLICK HERE for plenty of pics of the Marvel Avengers Movie Line!

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