This is only my 2nd year at Comic-Con and I don't think it's all that different than last year. I mean, sure, the displays are bigger and more extravagant, but it's all pretty similar to last year's. Regardless of familiarity, the show has the ability to get the same people to go back year after year. One location that I will definitely be revisiting is the "plush organs" booth. (I Heart Guts booth 4433) I almost died when I saw they were selling adorable stuffed tonsils and lymph nodes.
I saw Gene Simmons at Warner bros!!
I loved the sexy cat woman. Everyone thought she was the real thing. Excellent job!
I also enjoyed the little Ariel. I talked to her to get her permission for a photo and she was such a ham. She loved being the center of attention.
I did the Star Wars photo op. Shortest line ever!
One of the Megabloks displays had a bunch of Minions, where you were told if you took a selfie with them you would get a free Minion. I did it of course. Because free Mini Minion!!!
Here's a look at some more awesome things Hailey saw on Day 1 of San Diego Comic-Con 2015...

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