CBS Consumer Products announced today the creation of Trek Talks, an initiative designed to bring fans of Star Trek together for a new and exciting live event program that will explore the impact and influence of the franchise over its 50-year span. Trek Talks will feature leading thinkers to dive deep into the franchise’s influence on technology, science, society, culture, and more through a series of lectures across the globe.
Trek Talks will be locally produced and hosted by academic and entertainment institutions including colleges and universities, science museums, and pop culture centers and festivals as well as other non-profits and commercial corporations. Organizations (in partnership with CBS) can choose a topic from a group of themes that cover the full scope of Star Trek’s influence or can develop their own theme.
Themes include:
· Trek Tech - Examining Star Trek’s impact on the information age
· Our Single World - Envisioning a future multicultural universe
· The Prime Directive - Exploring our universe, ethically
· A Star Trek Society - Addressing our world’s issues for 50 years
· The Final Frontier - Star Trek's 50-year influence on the space industry
· Thinking Boldly - Today’s philosophical issues in Trek’s tomorrow
· A Trek Economy - Evaluating Star Trek's economy to address world issues
· Science of Star Trek - Recognizing Trek's influence on scientific exploration
“Star Trek, reaching beyond pure entertainment, has helped shape our collective perspective,” said Liz Kalodner, Executive Vice President and General Manager of CBS Consumer Products. “From technological advancements to racial and economic equality, Star Trek has broached a broad and varied range of subjects over the years. These Trek Talks will address its impact and provide an entertaining and educational forum to discuss such influence.”
For more information or to become a partner visit:
Each participating organization will develop, promote and stage the event during Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary from July 2016 to July 2017. Current organizations participating in the project include NASA, Toronto International Film Festival, Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, EMP Museum, and the Canadian Space Agency. Trek Talks is already slated to be staged at significant pop-culture and entertainment events including San Diego Comic-Con in July, theStar Trek Las Vegas convention in August, Star Trek: Mission New York in September, and Destination Star Trek Europein October.
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