"An Taibhse" unfolds in the bleak landscape of post-famine Ireland, exploring the profound hardships faced by its people. The narrative centers around Éamon (Tom Kerrisk) and his daughter Máire (Livvy Hill), who take on the task of maintaining a remote Georgian mansion through the harsh winter. What begins as a seemingly tranquil responsibility soon spirals into terror as they encounter inexplicable phenomena. The film delves into the depths of human resilience amidst unspeakable horror, offering a nuanced portrayal of survival and the complex mechanisms through which the mind adapts to protect itself.
The journey from the initial idea to preparing for festival premieres worldwide has been tough but very rewarding. From the challenges of pre-production to filming in the freezing winter, every step tested our limits. Despite these hardships, we poured our hearts into this project and are immensely proud of what we've created. It's an honour to share ‘An Taibhse’ with audiences worldwide. This film shows the power and richness of our language, and the strength of the human spirit in the face of horror. We are proud to have made an Irish language feature film and are excited to see more and more Irish language films being produced.
An Taibhse wowed audiences with a sold-out screening at the Galway Film Fleadh. One audience member remarked during the Q&A that they came to watch the first Irish-language horror film but ended up seeing one of the best films they'd ever seen. The film will continue its festival run with an international premiere at FRIGHTFEST, held in the 800-seater Ocean Screen 1 at London's Leicester Square on Friday, August 23rd.
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