Normally I don't show off things the public at large can't readily get their hands on, but I'm assured every little thing that shows up in the mail now is NEWS...so I apologize in advance for playing games with your Marvel obsessed heart strings. Besides, this crate is sure to pop up on Ebay any minute.
When this box showed up today, I twittered "There are not enough exclamation marks in the universe to express my feelings right now". If you grew up with Marvel Comics, have been awaiting the Avengers movie like crazy for months now and had THIS show up at your door, you'd feel much the same way! Inside, Hasbro packed a sampling of Avengers movie merch including action figures of Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, a Captain America Hero Mask, Iron Man Tri-Power Repulsor, a large scale Captain America talking figure I've been affectionately calling "Ice Capades Cap" and the pinnacle of Marvel movie toy technology... HULK GAMMA GREEN SMASH FISTS!!

Just like the 5 yr old child that I am, I'm more enthralled with the box than the toys within, but I thank Hasbro profusely for the gifts!
CLICK HERE to see all that Hasbro is pumping out for The Avengers movie!
Avengers Movie Toys In Action by Nomadixxx
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