DC Nation, a collaboration between Cartoon Network, Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment, will continue the adventures of Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Young Justice: Invasion with new episodes throughout the fall. Also returning are the comedic animated shorts and exclusive behind-the-scenes views of the DC Universe. The full hour of new content begins Saturday, September 29, at 10 a.m. (ET, PT).
The critically acclaimed Green Lantern: The Animated Series uses stunning, stylized CG animation to take viewers on a journey of cosmic proportions as Hal Jordan and his band of heroes fight to save the universe. After thwarting the Red Lantern invasion into Guardian space, Hal, Kilowog, Razer and Aya must unravel the mystery of the Manhunters while battling the powerful Anti-Monitor. Young Justice: Invasion continues as the team (Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis), now led by Nightwing, and its new members (Robin, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, Lagoon Boy, Wonder Girl, Bumblebee, Batgirl) go deeper and more covert than ever before. As team rivalry and personal conflicts arise, the team must band together to fight the real threat that faces Earth.
Rounding out the hour will be brand-new DC animated shorts such as JL Animals, a hilarious take on Justice League where animal versions of classic DC heroes show off their wild sides while facing trouble on the farm and Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld, which follows the adventures of nerdy and introverted Amy Winston as she does battle with the evil Dark Opal as Amethyst, the powerful princess and protector of Gem World. Favorites like New Teen Titans, S.B.F.F. and DC’s World’s Funnest from Aardman Studios will also make their return. DC Nation will continue to showcase event programming, interstitials, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at theatrical motion pictures and an insider look into the world of all things DC Entertainment.
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