Captain Power and the Soldiers of the future was a Canadian-American scifi TV show lasting 22 episodes which boasts the earliest instances of live action and CGI characters interacting. For most of us toy junkies, we remember how the toys by Mattel interacted with the TV show...which made us all insane with the wanting. Here's a quick synopsis...
In the year 2147 humanity has been nearly wiped out after the Metal Wars, where machine fought man – and machine won. Out of the Ashes of defeat came Jonathan Power (Tim Dunigan) and his masters of combat, humanity’s only hope against Lord Dread (David Hemblen) and his Bio Dread Empire. Guided by his father’s credo, “…to protect and preserve all life,” they became known as CAPTAIN POWER AND THE SOLDIERS OF THE FUTURE. Also starring Jessica Steen and Peter Macneill.
Dark stuff for kids!! Now, Deadline reports the show will return with original co-creator Gary Goddard alongside ex-Syfy execs Thomas Vitale and Craig Engler’s newly formed Planet X Productions and film legend Todd Masters’ MastersFX creating the effects. SOLD!! The pilot entitled "Phoenix Rising" was penned by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (TV’s Star Trek: Enterprise, Primeval: New World). Here's a teaser...
Deadline reports: "Phoenix Rising picks up 15 years after humanity has lost a devastating war against an artificial intelligence called Overmind. Jonathan Power, the son of the man who caused that war, learns the truth about his father and discovers a new type of battle armor that will enable a small, mismatched team of soldiers and civilians to fight the Bionic armies of the New Order. Dunigan will return in a new role."
San Diego Comic-Con is sure to roll out more news on this killer project. Stay tuned!!
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