Twist my tartan! With just under two weeks to go until the release of DuckTales: Remastered, Launchpad McQuack takes you, Scrooge McDuck and his three mischievous nephews on a quack-tastic adventure to the African mines in the latest postcard video. Then, check out the second video in the “Duckumentary” series that goes behind
the scenes at WayForward and takes a deeper look at the work that went
into creating each of the hand-drawn sprites that bring Scrooge McDuck
and his friends to life like never before!
We’ll be jetting off to the moon next week in the final postcard video of our series and releasing the last of the “Duckumentaries” which focuses on the game’s unforgettable theme tune and music, so check back then for more treats straight out of Duckberg.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tour 80's NY with Eddie Brock in "Truth In Journalism"
Fan films are a realization of someone's dreams...about someone else's dreams. You grow up loving a comic book character and one day, find your love is shared by like minded individuals and before you know it, there's a script and cameras and the rest is Comic-Con history. The results are...often mixed. While all show undeniable passion for the source material, some shine just a little brighter. Today, we take a look at "Truth In Journalism" in which an indie camera crew which follows morally corrupt scumbag reporter Eddie Brock through a vintage 80's New York City. It's mean spirited, authentic feeling and funny as all hell.
comic books
eddie brock
fan films
marvel comics
ryan kwanten
Bates Motel: Season 1 on Blu-ray & DVD 9/17/13
Academy Award® nominee Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air) and Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) star in “Bates Motel”: Season One, a contemporary prequel to the genre-defining film, Psycho. “Bates Motel”: Season One will be available to own on Blu-ray™ and DVD, each with Digital including Ultraviolet™ on September 17, 2013 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment (click here to pre-order for 26% off!)
From the producers of “Lost” and “Friday Night Lights” comes the “moody, twisty, creepy and gloriously insane” (Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times) “Bates Motel”: Season One. This re-imagining of one of Alfred Hitchcock’s beloved masterpieces weaves a web of deception, murder, and unexpected twists in a small town where nothing is what it seems.
From the producers of “Lost” and “Friday Night Lights” comes the “moody, twisty, creepy and gloriously insane” (Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times) “Bates Motel”: Season One. This re-imagining of one of Alfred Hitchcock’s beloved masterpieces weaves a web of deception, murder, and unexpected twists in a small town where nothing is what it seems.
New Eye Candy for Amazing Spider-Man 2
**Obviously some spoilers ahead if you were trying to go into Amazing Spider-Man 2 clean!*
Popping up all over the internet and said to be from Empire Magazine (though they usually put a giant watermark on all their stuff) come a small stack of images set to make you droooool in anticipation for the next Spidey epic. Did you catch the bootlegged ASM2 trailer from San Diego Comic-Con 2013???!! Yea..neither did I. TEASERS!! Share with the rest of the class next time, please and thank you. Anyyyways, we know we are a little late to the party with these, but we can't miss a chance to make fun of the little lightning bolt on Electro's arm. It's...a little silly. It would be like Spider-Man putting a ^Caution: Webs fly out from here ^ sticker near his wrists. YES we know...danger...the fucker is named ELECTRO. I think we got it. I'm also still scratching my head over the pull back to the classic look on Spidey's outfit. Yea, we hated the last one before the film was released but it worked, so why go backward? It reminds me of the droid army on the Star Wars prequels. went from expendable droids to human troopers? Hows that workin out for ya?
Popping up all over the internet and said to be from Empire Magazine (though they usually put a giant watermark on all their stuff) come a small stack of images set to make you droooool in anticipation for the next Spidey epic. Did you catch the bootlegged ASM2 trailer from San Diego Comic-Con 2013???!! Yea..neither did I. TEASERS!! Share with the rest of the class next time, please and thank you. Anyyyways, we know we are a little late to the party with these, but we can't miss a chance to make fun of the little lightning bolt on Electro's arm. It's...a little silly. It would be like Spider-Man putting a ^Caution: Webs fly out from here ^ sticker near his wrists. YES we know...danger...the fucker is named ELECTRO. I think we got it. I'm also still scratching my head over the pull back to the classic look on Spidey's outfit. Yea, we hated the last one before the film was released but it worked, so why go backward? It reminds me of the droid army on the Star Wars prequels. went from expendable droids to human troopers? Hows that workin out for ya?
amazing spider-man 2
comic books
marvel comics
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Mondo's Cronos & Devil's Backbone Prints

Tomorrow Mondo continues their collaboration with The Criterion Collection by celebrating two releases from one of their favorite filmmakers, Guillermo Del Toro. CRONOS (spine #551) features artwork by the legendary Mike Mignola and separations made especially for this screenprint by multiple Eisner award-winning colorist David Stewart. THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE (spine #666) features all new artwork by the renowned comic illustrator Guy Davis in a beautiful 9 color screenprint.
mondo prints
the criterion collection
the devil's backbone
Riddick: Blindsided Animated Short
More like a motion comic, but there's a little CGI face wiggle in there. SO! Just about one month from now, we'll be running alongside Riddick as he is hunted and turns hunter on those who were previously...hunting...him. Lots of hunting is what I'm getting at. Now, the only question left unanswered...what happened after the Conan-esque ending of Chronicles of Riddick??!! The Lord Marshal was slain and Riddick, exhausted from the supernatural battle and loss of, most likely the only thing he ever loved, slumped back into the nearest chair...that was actually a throne..and one he had just paid for with a life. The legions of Necromongers in the hall that day took a knee and vowed their allegiance to their new leader. Hit the jump and find out what happened next...
rule the dark
vin diesel
Doctor Who Series 7 on DVD & Blu-ray September 24th
BBC Home Entertainment releases all thirteen blockbuster episodes from the seventh series of the iconic sci-fi series Doctor Who on Blu-ray and DVD on September 24, 2013 (click here to pre-order for 22% off!) In addition, the set collects the 2011 and 2012 Christmas Specials, and exciting bonus features including behind-the-scenes featurettes, “Doctor Who at Comic Con”, the BBC AMERICA specials “The Companions” and “Doctor Who in the US,” and more. These latest adventures test the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and prove that even a madman with a box needs help sometimes.
Say farewell to the Ponds all over again. Meet the enigmatic Clara for the first time - and the second, and the third. Face enemies new and old, follow the Doctor to the one place he should never go, and learn the secret to a really great soufflĂ©. With a cliffhanger ending that will leave fans breathless, this set arrives just in time to catch up before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special on November 23, and the Doctor’s regeneration in this year’s Christmas Special.
Say farewell to the Ponds all over again. Meet the enigmatic Clara for the first time - and the second, and the third. Face enemies new and old, follow the Doctor to the one place he should never go, and learn the secret to a really great soufflĂ©. With a cliffhanger ending that will leave fans breathless, this set arrives just in time to catch up before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special on November 23, and the Doctor’s regeneration in this year’s Christmas Special.
doctor who
matt smith
series 7
Justice League: War Preview
It's that time again! The Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox has arrived, complete with endless bloody super hero murder and child gutting, men with Anime necks bigger than their whole damn head AND a sneak preview of the next Warner Bros DC Animated feature length film...Justice League: WAR! Based on the first arc of Justice League comics in the "New52", this is the tale of our pseudo-re-booted heroes meeting for the first time and joining forces after a rocky start to face the threat of world conquest from Darkseid. The story is said to mirror the witty banter between the heroes, as seen in these first issues with references to True Blood and such still intact..if that still makes it into the film! The characters have been making names for themselves in the New52 universe, so their reputation precedes them as they meet, with some reacting as one would when meeting a celebrity and others instantly on guard. All of this tension and doubt falls away as the Earth faces a full scale alien invasion and our heroes must step up as the last line of defense. Justice League: WAR stars Alan Tudyk as Superman, Jason O'Mara as Batman, Shemar Moore as Cyborg, Christopher Gorham as The Flash, Michelle Monaghan as Wonder Woman and Justin Kirk as Green Lantern. We also got a quick tease of Shazam, but no word on his casting yet. We are looking at a 2014 release. Hit the jump for the eye candy!
comic books
dc comics
flashpoint paradox
justice league war
warner brothers
Monday, July 29, 2013
Fantasia 2013: Big Bad Wolves Reviewed
A killer is on the loose. This psychopath abducts young
girls and after he has his way with them in every horrible way possible, he
leaves them to be found, spread out in all their horror…missing their heads.
It’s a sick message. “I’ve given you your daughter back, only because I am done
with her, but you’ll never have all of her.” Miki is a police detective who is
dead certain they have their man, but the little guy won’t confess his crimes
no matter how much they try to beat it out of him. When his latest stomp-fest
goes viral, Miki is off the case, but not off the hunt. As he stalks an
unassuming teacher of religion, waiting for this man to strike again, another watches them both…and when things don’t escalate as quickly as either had
hoped, they take matters into their own hands. Now the lines are drawn but at
the same time, blurred. Miki wants justice, but he will only go so far to get
the truth. This clashes with the agenda of Gidi, the father of the killer’s
last victim, who is also certain the killer is in front of him and is fully
resigned to torture the man as horribly as he tortured his victims. All the
while, the teacher tied up before them sticks to his claims of innocence even
in the face of grisly torture. Could they have the wrong man?
big bad wolves
film festival
The Wolverine Reviewed
I may have told this story before, but it bears repeating. As a little kid, the first comics I gravitated towards were Justice League of America. Insane covers with giant space starfish enslaving the human race and Earth's mightiest heroes hooked me. As I grew a bit older, I came to realize, nine times out of ten, whatever was happening on the cover didn't actually happen until the very last pages of the book, so I felt cheated. That's when someone turned me on to Uncanny X-Men. These were very realistic human portrayals, despite their mutant abilities, with real world problems and prejudices to deal with, and none so mentally tormented as the man called Wolverine. In the back of a longbox in a giant book store in the heart of Brooklyn, I found Wolverine #1..a bit folded at the edges and with a number markered on the cover, but still very much readable and because of the damage, affordable! That night, me and the 5 foot, hairy, brooding Canadian warrior bonded and many a day after, I clenched my fist waiting to see if claws might pop out.
comic books
fox studios. hugh jackman
marvel comics
the wolverine
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Tyler Stout's Shaun of the Dead Mondo Poster
Tyler Stout's Mondo poster for Shaun of the Dead, unveiled tonight at the Alamo Drafthouse Cornetto triple bill. Nuff Said.
shaun of the dead
tyler stout
Star Wars Rebels Logo, Art & Details Revealed
Star Wars Rebels Executive Producer Dave Filoni pulled back the curtain on Lucasfilm's highly anticipated animated series for Star Wars Celebration Europe attendees today, discussing the huge influence of original Star Wars concept artist Ralph McQuarrie on the look and feel of the show, and revealing the series’ unique logo and select designs. Filoni talked at length about the use of McQuarrie art as a springboard for the series, showcasing many works from the original trilogy, including landscapes and characters, and detailing how they inform the visual identity of Star Wars Rebels.
Fantasia: VHS2 Reviewed
Horror’s newest Anthology series makes a speedy
return with a second helping of quick creepers, all conveniently transferred to
VHS tapes from their respective GoPros and HD Cams…cuz ghosts got mad editing
skillz. Silly wrap around premise aside, I had a blast with the first round and
have been looking forward to another helping, wondering how they might top a
demon bird woman looking to get laid. The mind boggles. This time out, we kick
things off with a man who gets an experimental camera eye replacement, allowing
us to view the world whilst nestled snugly in his cranium. The one catch to
this free cyborg upgrade..the eye allows the host to see ghosts and as most
horror films go…when you can see them, they can see you..and touch you..and
throttle you. Luckily a young woman who had a similar surgery and can now hear
the ghosts comes to our boy’s rescue, saving him with her boobs and not much
else, but at least she gave it a shot (and he gave her a shot. Sorry I had to.
It was in my contract.) This segment is a quick guilty pleasure with no real
direction and the sort of ghosts that just stand there while folks run
off into the bathroom..which is, of course, the safest place in the house AND
impenetrable to ghosts...until it isn't. But least there were boobs.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Deep in the vaults of Dark Horse Comics come two tales to astonish....shock...delight...terrorize...or just make your brain explode from the sheer level of adorability. MAXIMUM ADORABILITY!!! Art Baltazar and Franco (Tiny Titans, Superman Family Adventures, Aw Yea Comics) are masters of mini-sizing and cutifying our favorite super powered heroes, and so were the perfect duo for this ...project? Teaser? One shot? How about a 5 ISSUE MINI SERIES??!! I'm in. Hit the jump for all the comicy goodness...
art baltazar
comic books
dark horse
Gravity: I've Got You Clip
GRAVITY, directed by Oscar® nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars Oscar® winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone‹tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to EarthĹ and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. But the only way home may be to go further out into the terrifying expanse of space.
george clooney
sandra bullock
Activision's 6 Titles for WiiU

"As we have said before, we're committed to doing everything we can to support the Wii U, which is why we're excited to be bringing some of the most popular entertainment franchises in the world to the platform this year," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing, Inc. "The Call of Duty franchise continues to be one of the most powerful forces in gaming and Skylanders continues to enchant new fans around the world. Our studios have been hard at work creating brand new immersive experiences perfectly suited to the Wii U platform and our fall lineup has something for everyone."
angry birds star wars
Call of Duty
video games
Shout! Factory Releasing The Last Unicorn & More
Sure, the Last Unicorn (the most girlie movie in the world EVENNN with the flaming bull) is the part of the story most of you will care about, but cinefiles will rejoice over some of these other titles as well. Here's the word from Shout! Factory...
Shout! Factory and ITV Studios Global Entertainment (ITVS GE) announced today a distribution agreement to bring a vast library of acclaimed cinema classics to the home entertainment marketplace in the U.S and Canada. The announcement was made by Shout! Factory’s founders Richard Foos, Bob Emmer and Garson Foos and Carol Lee, SVP Home Entertainment Americas for ITVS GE.
Shout! Factory and ITV Studios Global Entertainment (ITVS GE) announced today a distribution agreement to bring a vast library of acclaimed cinema classics to the home entertainment marketplace in the U.S and Canada. The announcement was made by Shout! Factory’s founders Richard Foos, Bob Emmer and Garson Foos and Carol Lee, SVP Home Entertainment Americas for ITVS GE.
global entertainment
shout factory
the last unicorn
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know
Ahhh...fond memories of Gauntlet came to mind when I saw the screens for this, the newest game with a level of insanity befitting the name Adventure Time. "Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know" is in the capable hands of WayForward, those folks making you beg to get your hands on DuckTales that should up your level of wanting immediately! This is a Diablo-esque dungeon crawler where you take control of several characters from the Adventure Time series (up to 4 players) with strengths and weaknesses that encourage team play.
adventure time
video games
xbox 306
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Defiance: Season One on Blu-ray & DVD October 15
Combining epic scope with the intrigue of a small-town drama comes “Defiance”: Season One, the critically acclaimed
action-packed tale of courage and survival. “Defiance”: Season One will be available to own on Blu-ray™ and DVD,
each with Digital including Ultraviolet™
with collectible lenticular packaging for a limited time only on October 15, 2013 from Universal Studios
Home Entertainment.
“Defiance”: Season One is the first-ever
convergence of television and a multi-platform video game, featuring an
interconnected world between the two mediums as they evolve together into one
overall story. It’s 2046 and over 30 years have passed since aliens arrived,
changing life on Earth forever. In the frontier town of Defiance, a
drifter-turned-lawkeeper, Nolan (Grant Bowler, “True Blood”) and Mayor
Rosewater (Julie Benz, “Dexter”) attempt to lead the human and alien residents
through the prejudices and politics that threaten the fragile peace they’ve fought
for. Watch every riveting episode back to back and uninterrupted, with
exclusive bonus content including deleted scenes and exclusive featurettes that
delve inside this incredible new world.
SDCC 2013: Our Favorite Cosplays
Shows like San Diego Comic-Con...DragonCon (before it became distasteful)...New York Comic Con...when you get into the thick of it and experience the sheer number of costumes at the show..feeling the passion behind each's a fantastic opportunity to capture each one and bring it all back for those not lucky enough to attend. Today, we'll show you our favorites from among the over 800 pictures dropped on us by our SDCC photo crew. Special thanks to Nicole Marrokal, Emilie Noetzel, Kristel Proctor and Breanna Scott for shooting all these great pics! Let's dive in.
dc comics
doctor who
marvel comics
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Guardians of the Galaxy Shooting Underway
Which, of course, you knew, since the whole cast hit San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend and showed a quick clip of what 14 days of shooting will produce. Hit THIS LINK for a detailed look of the cast in their Guardians of the Galaxy getups! Never the less, Disney likes to announce when an epic film like this is rolling, and who are we to miss an opportunity to geek out?
“Guardians of the Galaxy,” the next epic adventure from Marvel Studios has started shooting at the UK’s Shepperton Studios. Directed by James Gunn (“Slither,”“Super”) from his screenplay, with a story by Nicole Perlman and Gunn, the film will introduce audiences to a whole new side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“Guardians of the Galaxy,” the next epic adventure from Marvel Studios has started shooting at the UK’s Shepperton Studios. Directed by James Gunn (“Slither,”“Super”) from his screenplay, with a story by Nicole Perlman and Gunn, the film will introduce audiences to a whole new side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
comic books
guardians of the galaxy
marvel comics
Sleepy Hollow Coming to Your TV
I don't care if I missed the boat on this one. I work..a LOT..and most of my readers do too so I gather a lot of you missed this bit as well. One part National Treasure, one part Supernatural and a sprinkling of Sherlock with what looks to be an insanely likable cast equals a show I am going to watch SO DAMN will know I watched it.
Kermit & Miss Piggy Celebrate the Birth of the Royal Baby
It's all anyone was talking about across Twitter yesterday. With San Diego Comic-Con wrapped up, it paved the way for far less important chatter across the interwebs..namely the impending arrival of a royal baby. I get it..who doesn't love a baby? They come out all squishy and alien eyed. Adorable. Kermit and Miss Piggy of "Muppets Most Wanted" took a break from filming today to lend their congratulations to the royal couple, which led to some mommy pangs from Piggy...and a somewhat awkward moment. Yes, it was far more awkward than that time Piggy "borrowed" all of Martha Stewarts good china during her Christmas show, but not as awkward as thinking about a frog and a pig getting it on to make babies. Hit the jump and enjoy!
miss piggy
muppets most wanted
royal baby
SDCC 2013: Dissecting The Marvel Universe Diorama
Be you long time collector, long time fan or just a new school Avengers movie loving sort, if you entered the Hasbro booth this past weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, you were stopped dead in your tracks in front of the Marvel action figure diorama. This epic display has become a yearly tradition, mixing long past Marvel Universe figure releases with brand new items soon to hit stores, an item or two clearly meant to test the fan reaction (ie; if we go OMIGOD IT'S DEVIL DINOSAUR!!! and start throwing money..they just might make him) and those things that are kit bashed customs meant to drive us insane with the wanting for things they'll probably never make. Clearly. It's evil. This year, it seems like Hasbro had been tipped off on the "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" announcement and pitted an army of Ultron robots against the entirety of the Marvel Universe. Of course, the baddies still felt it necessary to fight their arch nemesi, even in the face of a Terminator-esque scorched Earth. Hey, villains gotta be villains. Let's take a look at a sampling of this mega-awesome display and then do what dorks do best. SPECULATE!
action figures
comic books
marvel comics
marvel universe
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
X-Men: Days of Future Past Teaser Posters

Fresh from San Diego Comic-Con 2013 with geeks across the planet still buzzing from encounters with Loki in Hall H come two beautifully simple posters teasing X-Men: Days of Future Past. If I had to rate my anticipation for this movie on the art alone, I'd say I'm at an 8! Well done. Keep it simple...keep it intense with splashes of humor and tons of action...and be true to the source. That's all we ask for. Let's get this X franchise back on track!!
days of future past
marvel comics
SDCC 2013: Geek Plague Outbreak Map

Here are some helpful tips to avoid the post San Diego Comic-Con Plague that is surely arriving in your town as we speak.
comic book conventions
geek plague
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
SDCC 2013: Marvel Studios: An Evening with Loki and Winter Soldier Insight
It's hard to believe there is only ONE DAY left to San Diego Comic Con 2013! I've been going for nearly 12 years straight now, broken by this year's lack of funds to make the trip...and it sounds like I picked like a hell of a year to sit this one out! The Marvel Studios panel is probably still washing over those fans who were in Hall H a short time ago, and well it should. LOKI JUST ASKED THEM TO JOIN HIM IN GLORIOUS BATTLE!!! Yes..while I sat in New Jersey, sans pants, as Emi caught up on Once Upon a Time Season 1, Tom Hiddleston took the stage dressed head to to as Loki and the crowd damn near lost their minds. He paced the stage and asked "Where are your Avengers now??!!" The crowd went berzerk. "Pledge your loyalty to me." One man in the audience shouted NEVER as the women around him were practically throwing their panties. To prove that man was outnumbered, Lokie said three simple words. "Say my name." LOKI came the chant. " name." LOKI came the call. "SAY MY NAME!" he demanded with arms raised. LOKI came the screams. "It seems I have an army" was his resolute parting remark as he motioned to the screen about to show the Thor: The Dark World footage and left the stage. Wish you were there? Holy damn man...I'm right there with you! We've got the next best thing...
captain america
marvel studios
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
SDCC 2013: Concept Art Reveals Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Looks
The Marvel Studios panel just wrapped at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. Want to get a good idea of what Drax, Rocket Raccoon and friends will look like in the new Guardians of the Galaxy film? Take a peek...
SDCC 2013: And the Next Avengers Movie is Titled...
That's the plot from the epic Marvel Comic book event, the most interesting point, movie wise, being the inclusion of X-Men characters. Of course they could write them out of it entirely...but...what if.... The real question is, with Days of Future past taking on the "time travel for the sake of preventing an apocalypse" theme, how will Joss Whedon pull this story off? Ohhh...many..many...many ways. The mind races with possibilities.
Update: Empire Magazine says "The title is 'borrowed' from the comic, but bears no relation to that arc." I'd just expect a Terminator-esque story line! Terminators vs Avengers. I'm in.
age of ultron
marvel comics
marvel movies
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
the avengers
SDCC 2013: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire International Trailer
As much as we moaned that The Hunger Games was Battle Royale light, the film still had a lot of heart, likable characters and a visual style all its own. Did it have a lovable Asian scamp with a pot lid as a weapon? we can't all be perfect. What the movie DID have is Jennifer Lawrence, who between the last film and now has made us love her clutzy, completely dorky, photoboming on the red carpet self. That is why we here at Idle Hands are now minimalistic Jennifer Lawrence cheeleaders, and while Catching Fire isn't a hotly anticipated film for us, we'll be there opening day. This woman rules. And now, fresh from San Diego Comic-Con, we've got a new trailer! Hit the jump and dive in...
catching fire
jennifer lawrence
the hunger games
SDCC 2013: The Veronica Mars Teaser
If you had asked me what the most anticipated, possible (maybe) return-from-the-dead of a TV or movie series to ANY form of moving media is at the moment, without thinking, I would have said Firefly. Of course I'm wrong, because while I am a straight up Browncoat and Mal is my Captain, the throngs of people screaming for more Firefy probably make up a small segment of the public. NOW...some months back, Veronica Mars took to Kickstarter to make a new film fans have been clamoring for and...low and rained money. Who knew? You did? I did not. Anyways, team Mars took to the San Diego Comic Con stages to show their thanks for the overwhelming support and gave a sneak preview of things to come....and we've got that preview...right...meow. Hit the jump and hit the vid!
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
veronica mars
SDCC 2013: The Game of Thrones "Memorium" Video
Yesterday, amid the chatter of a packed house waiting for word on the latest plot twists from the cast and crew of Game of Thrones at San Diego Comic Con, a video rolled, featuring the dulcet tones of Boys 2 Men and their classic "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye to Yesterday". Almost comically, this was a memorial video for the fallen cast of the show. I say comically, because the crew is well aware of the weight of each dramatic moment and the cast themselves are constantly floored by the shows ability to snuff one of them out of existence at a moment's notice...and usually in the most bloody way a sweet song like that sort of works in counterpoint to our memories of spurting, split open veins, knives to the eye, back, stomach, face...and the old standard beheading. HBO has made this mini tribute available for us today. Hit the jump and enjoy!
game of thrones
memorium video
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: The Walking Dead Season 4 Trailer
It's hard to believe in a mere 3 months...a little less really...we'll be back in that damned alternate universe where the world has gone to hell, the undead roam the streets, and the real threat is what is left of mankind. The Walking Dead ended last season with a sort of anticlimactic assault on Rick and his happy prison family, and a now legendary freak out from the man we came to know as the Governor that left us, and his own people, jaw dropped! Sunday, October 13th, it all returns to your television, along with our having to threaten bodily harm upon our Facebook and Twitter friends to NOT SPOIL THE DAMN SHOW BEFORE WE CAN WATCH IT...and I can't wait. AMC just posted the San Diego Comic Con Walking Dead Season 4 Trailer...and you can drink in the zombie goodness right after the jump!
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
the walking dead
The Kick-Ass 2 NSFW Extended Trailer
Sorta speaks for itself.
kick ass 2
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: IDW on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Graphic Novel
IDW Publishing is excited to announce it is taking a trip through bat country, adapting Hunter S. Thompson's acclaimed Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas into an original graphic novel! Grab your keys, pack your stash, and join IDW on the twisted journey in an all-new graphic experience.
The release date and creative team have yet to be determined, however IDW is committed to bringing the passionate energy of the novel to both new readers and veteran Gonzos alike. Preserving Thompson's rebellious spirit is a top priority for IDW, "I've read Thompson throughout my entire life, I'm very serious about doing this novel right," said IDW CEO/President Ted Adams. This exciting new project further explores the literary relationship between novels and comics that IDW actively pursues.
The release date and creative team have yet to be determined, however IDW is committed to bringing the passionate energy of the novel to both new readers and veteran Gonzos alike. Preserving Thompson's rebellious spirit is a top priority for IDW, "I've read Thompson throughout my entire life, I'm very serious about doing this novel right," said IDW CEO/President Ted Adams. This exciting new project further explores the literary relationship between novels and comics that IDW actively pursues.
graphic novels
hunter s. thompson
idw comics
Friday, July 19, 2013
SDCC 2013: Vikings Season 2 Trailer
It was a time when men were men...and they roared and bled and years later, the History channel decided this would make a damn good TV show. Here's a preview of season 2, fresh from San Diego Comic Con 2013...
history channel
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Fantasia 2013: Frankenstein's Army Review
The idea is a familiar one, especially to those who have been attending conventions for over 10 years. The Nazis were a sadistic group of madmen and murderers, dabbling with the occult and exploring every mythological avenue to achieve their end game. Enter a group of Russian soldiers being filmed to inspire the populace (found footage WW2 movie!!), sent to back up a squad in a nearby skirmish. When they arrive, the bodies are plentiful, but the Russian troops are nowhere to be found. As the crew explores the town, they tread where they clearly should not…and activate machines they obviously should have kept their damn hands off of! In typical horror movie fashion, one turn of a crank and flick of a switch sets things in motion and the fun begins!!! It is hard for me to put into words the sheer level of awesome put up there on the screen. Metal goliaths with pincer claws. Stilt walking, gas masked creatures with drills where their face should be. It’s as if a sadistic 12 year old was told to take industrial tools and attach them to zombies in a series of crayon drawings..and that kid sat there until every variation was exhausted. Inspiring!
film festivals
frankenstein's army
SDCC 2013: The World's End Panel
It's not every day we even have the time to consider sitting in a panel in the middle of the madness that is San Diego Comic Con, but when Edgar Wright calls, we come a'runnin. Emilie Noetzel beams in her report.
Chris Hardwick hosts Edgar Wright, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg
Matt smith was at the World's End party last night. Chris Hardwick thinks the movie is fantastic, says it did feel like it had a Doctor Who element to it. "Retitle it Doctor Hooch as it has Doctor Who element" Says Edgar. Simon Pegg feels like Gary (his character) is like the "Dark Doctor." Gary is a bit of dick, villain and hero, nutcase... Dickishness is explained. Gary is stuck in the 90s. Their Tardis is beer. Nick Frost is Andy, the buttoned up character. They play different character (types) as they wanted to change it up. Nick Frost says he (Andy) is a hardnut. They say they are closer to their Shaun characters (in real life).
Chris Hardwick hosts Edgar Wright, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg
Matt smith was at the World's End party last night. Chris Hardwick thinks the movie is fantastic, says it did feel like it had a Doctor Who element to it. "Retitle it Doctor Hooch as it has Doctor Who element" Says Edgar. Simon Pegg feels like Gary (his character) is like the "Dark Doctor." Gary is a bit of dick, villain and hero, nutcase... Dickishness is explained. Gary is stuck in the 90s. Their Tardis is beer. Nick Frost is Andy, the buttoned up character. They play different character (types) as they wanted to change it up. Nick Frost says he (Andy) is a hardnut. They say they are closer to their Shaun characters (in real life).
edgar wright
nick frost
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
simon pegg
the world's end
Ultimate Spider-Man: Guardians of the Galaxy Arrive!
You know...with all these guest stars on the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon show ON TOP of the super team he is already a part of AND the guidance of Nick Fury with backup from S.H.I.E.L.D...this wacky little show may be growing on me. This weekend, the Guardians of the Galaxy begin their onslaught of all media in their lead up to their feature film debut. It's sort of the perfect know...until the BIG introduction. Nice that your kids will know who they are first! Dig the clip after the jump...
Ultimate Heroes. Ultimate Villains. Ultimate Responsibility.
Ultimate Heroes. Ultimate Villains. Ultimate Responsibility.
comic books
disney xd
guardians of the galaxy
marvel comics
ultimate spider-man
SDCC 2013: Preview Night Cosplay
We are a liiiiiitle bit behind the show, but hey, my people like free drinks and that means the pics come in at 3am..and Paul's gotta pay the bills by daylight. We'll kick off the show coverage with a small stack of Preview Night Cosplay pictures courtesy of the always excellent Nicole Marrokal. There weren't many people in costume in that first flurry of Comic-Con passion as the doors opened and a Tsunami of dork rushed onto the convention floor, but as fate would have it, the queen of cosplay herself, Yaya Han, managed to be out first the Baroness no less. I swear she's stalking me...she just doesn't know it yet. SO! We've got the 1st Slave Leia, the 1st Harley Quinn, a sexy Vader and...a bunch of costumes I can't identify...but one thing is for sure. If this is just a sampling of the talent at San Diego Comic Con this year, we are in for some fun. Hit the jump for the pics!
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
SDCC 2013: Insidious 2 Delivers Comic-Con Treats
Want to stay cool at Comic-Con? Join INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 for exclusive #Insidious #iScream treats!
The INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 ice cream
truck will be in San Diego today, and then head to LA, Chicago and NY.
Follow the Twitter accounts below to find out when the truck will hit
your city!
Choose from four chilling treats:
Specs & Tucker Pop (Firecracker)
iScream Sandwich (ice cream sandwich)
Push Up Into the Further (push-up pop)
Insidi-licious Red Demon Bar (frozen fruit bar)
ice cream
insidious 2
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: Shout! Factory Brings Back Pee-Wee's Playhouse
Shout! Factory announced they are bringing Paul Reubens’ groundbreaking TV series PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE to the home entertainment marketplace and a variety of digital entertainment platforms. Shout! Factory recently secured extensive distribution rights to all 45 episodes of PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE and PEE-WEE’S CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, including worldwide home entertainment, select digital rights and broadcast for cross-platform releases. The announcement was made today by Shout! Factory’s founders Richard Foos, Bob Emmer and Garson Foos.
“We could not be more excited to collaborate with Paul Reubens on this fantastic venture. PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE is a cultural touchstone for a generation, and its visually dynamic design and offbeat sense of humor were a genuine phenomenon,” stated Shout! Factory’s founders. “We are thrilled that this extensive restoration project is underway and look forward to presenting the series, for the first time in incredible high-definition and with behind-the-scenes bonus material. Fans will experience PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE as never before and share it with a new generation audience.”
“We could not be more excited to collaborate with Paul Reubens on this fantastic venture. PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE is a cultural touchstone for a generation, and its visually dynamic design and offbeat sense of humor were a genuine phenomenon,” stated Shout! Factory’s founders. “We are thrilled that this extensive restoration project is underway and look forward to presenting the series, for the first time in incredible high-definition and with behind-the-scenes bonus material. Fans will experience PEE-WEE’S PLAYHOUSE as never before and share it with a new generation audience.”
blu-ray news
pee wee's playhouse
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
shout factory
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
SDCC 2013: Game of Thrones Figures Have Arrived
Well..technically they won't "arrive" til 2014, but ever since I did that lengthy interview when Dark Horse first announced their Game of Thrones license, and they said they are aware people want and NEED GOT action figures, folks have been asking when they are coming and from whom. Welp..the whom is still Dark Horse. The when is start clearing shelf space and saving your dimes! Swing by the Dark Horse booth #2315 and see the first two; Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow; in the flesh...or plastic..fleshy plastic.
action figures
dark horse
game of thrones
san diego comic con
sdcc 2013
Ender's Game Battle School Recruitment Video and Aptitude Test
In the near future, a hostile alien race called the Formics have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley), all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff (Harrison Ford) and the International Military are training only the best young minds to find the future Mazer.
Do you have what it takes? Take the International Fleet's Battle School Aptitude Test to discover your role in protecting Earth from the next Invasion. Our future depends on it! Go here -->
Do you have what it takes? Take the International Fleet's Battle School Aptitude Test to discover your role in protecting Earth from the next Invasion. Our future depends on it! Go here -->
SDCC 2013: Power Rangers Take Comic-Con by MEGAFORCE
Saban’s Power Rangers will be back in action at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International, taking place July 18-21. Fans can expect a MEGA presence in honor of the Power Rangers’ 20th
Anniversary. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet some of their
favorite Legendary Rangers of all time, collect Power Rangers Comic-Con
exclusive premium items, get a first look at upcoming products, pose for
photos with the
Power Rangers Megaforce, participate in giveaways and so much more.
“We have an exciting, jam-packed schedule planned for the Power Rangers
at this year’s Comic-Con,” said Elie Dekel, President of Saban Brands.
“We encourage all attendees to check out the latest and greatest Power
Rangers merchandise at our partners’ booths,
as well as follow us on social media to learn how to participate in our
various on-site activations to win MEGA prizes!”
power rangers
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: Hasbro Marvel Legends & Universe
Cool Toy Review strikes first blood in the war for toy dominance at San Diego Comic-Con 2013 with some super quickie cell phone snaps of the Hasbro Booth, specifically in the Marvel Comics section. Plenty of new Marvel Legends on display and very few Marvel a mixed bag of happy there. Happier still is the news that those Marvel Legends move away from all those new school comic designs (RED SHE HULK!! BLARG!) and visit some classic characters that will fill gaping holes in your Marvel Legends collection. Here's what we could spot...
action figures
marvel legends
marvel universe
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: The Hasbro Exclusives Check Sheet
Star Wars Action News got the jump on San Diego Comic-Con today and nabbed a picture of the Hasbro Toy Shop check off sheet. Customers grab one, check off what they are buying and then take it to the counter with a shit eating grin upon their face. I'm not used to seeing their sheet looking like this, as by the time I can get in line there are BIG BLACK X's ALL OVER THE STUFF I MISSED OUT ON. DERRRRPYYYY. WHYYYYY??!! Anyyywhoo..check out the list and note the limits on items. If a friend wanted you to pick something up that is ultra hot, it's probably going to take 2 trips, so plan accordingly.
san dieg comic con 2013
sdcc 3013
SDCC 2013: BBC & IDW Celebrate Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary
IDW Publishing and BBC Worldwide will conclude their joint celebration of the Doctor’s 50th anniversary with the release of a Doctor Who Special the final week of 2013. This oversize issue will be written by fan-favorite Doctor Who writer Paul Cornell and features art by Jimmy Broxton.
In this special one-shot story, a strange force flings the TARDIS and the Doctor into our own universe! Once here, the Doctor encounters a 10-year-old girl who happens to be a huge fan of the Doctor Who TV show. The Doctor grapples with being a fictional character as well as and a monster lurking at the girl’s school on the way to coming face-to-face with the actor who portrays him, Matt Smith!
In this special one-shot story, a strange force flings the TARDIS and the Doctor into our own universe! Once here, the Doctor encounters a 10-year-old girl who happens to be a huge fan of the Doctor Who TV show. The Doctor grapples with being a fictional character as well as and a monster lurking at the girl’s school on the way to coming face-to-face with the actor who portrays him, Matt Smith!
comic books
doctor who
idw comics
san diego comic con
sdcc 2013
SDCC 2013: The First Cosplay of Comic-Con Appears
We had bets going as to what time and what character would be the first to pop up on the streets of San Diego, ready for an eager camera to snap them up, then make their way to my desk. My money was on that anime character with the underboob and giant gun. She turns up everywhere. I saw her at a wedding just last week. Odd outfit for a caterer but who doesn't enjoy a good underboob? The first cosplay to actually turn up, right smack in front of the convention center, was a daring choice...not easy to pull off, a bit controversial, and not so comfortable to wear I'd think. It took commitment, dedication to staying in character and plain old American guts. A+ for picking obscure character too! I think they nailed it.
SUPER BUDDIES debuts August 27, 2013, on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack and DVD
san diego comic con 2013
sdcc 2013
super buddies
super heroes
SDCC 2013: NECA's First 5 Celebrity Simpsons Revealed
A short time back, we announced that NECA, those masters of 7 inch action figures (primarily based on films), would be tackling The Simpsons cartoon series in a way no one has before. ONE CELEBRITY AT A TIME!! I instantly started sending Randy Falk hand written letters in crayon on construction paper asking when he would be putting The Ramones in this line. It's been a good use of my time. I've sent 29 so far. Today, we get a CGI'd up look at the first 5.
Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA Booth 3145) today revealed artwork showcasing the first five celebrities included in the limited edition guest star merchandise program celebrating 25 seasons of THE SIMPSONS. Announced at Licensing Expo 2013, the first five guest stars include, Hugh Hefner, James Brown, Yao Ming, Tom Hanks, and Kid Rock.
Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA Booth 3145) today revealed artwork showcasing the first five celebrities included in the limited edition guest star merchandise program celebrating 25 seasons of THE SIMPSONS. Announced at Licensing Expo 2013, the first five guest stars include, Hugh Hefner, James Brown, Yao Ming, Tom Hanks, and Kid Rock.
action figures
neca toys
the simpsons
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