Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kermit & Miss Piggy Celebrate the Birth of the Royal Baby

It's all anyone was talking about across Twitter yesterday. With San Diego Comic-Con wrapped up, it paved the way for far less important chatter across the interwebs..namely the impending arrival of a royal baby. I get it..who doesn't love a baby? They come out all squishy and alien eyed. Adorable. Kermit and Miss Piggy of "Muppets Most Wanted" took a break from filming today to lend their congratulations to the royal couple, which led to some mommy pangs from Piggy...and a somewhat awkward moment. Yes, it was far more awkward than that time Piggy "borrowed" all of Martha Stewarts good china during her Christmas show, but not as awkward as thinking about a frog and a pig getting it on to make babies. Hit the jump and enjoy!

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