The DCeased storyline begins with Darkseid, ravager of worlds and general chaos bringer, who has just solved the Anti-Life Equation. Seeking a wider dispersal of death, the equation itself utilizes Cyborg to digitally transmit itself through every means of communication across the globe. Upon hearing or seeing the signal, the recipient becomes extremely violent and incurably mad, programmed with an imperative to spread the "virus" via blood transfer to as many hosts as possible.
So...yea...they sound like zombies....but they aren't exactly zombies. All bitey, no chewy.
The DC Direct DCeased action figure line boasts plenty of articulation and some sharp sculpts, but sadly, we've seen them before. Save for newly sculpted, zombied-up heads, these bodies show no signs of new sculpting. The very few stray tears in clothing are purely paint and, alongside some quick flicks of red, that's all the horror we get. It's a far cry from the excellently sculpted Blackest Night figure series, which you may recall is the last time we got "zombies" in the DC Universe that were realized in plastic. Comic readers will also notice Batman's suit doesn't even match the one he wears in the books, making the missed opportunities pile all the larger. Still, you're getting DC Comics Zombies, and for some, the policy is LEAVE NO ZOMBIE BEHIND. To you, brave souls, I give a salute.
DCeased Series 1 includes Aquaman, Batman, Green Lantern and The Joker.
No word yet on if we are getting a series 2, or what is to become of all the other collectibles we last showed in out Toy Fair 2020 coverage, but we'll surely be asking!
Very special thanks to our friends at DC Direct who have made some of our favorite collectibles over their many, many years in business. DC Direct always went out of their way to bring new talent into the fold and, through these collaborations, reimagined our favorite heroes into fantastic works of art time and again. We can't thank you enough for your imagination and innovation...and for me personally, your kindness.
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