Right out of the packaging, you'll note each of the GB figures is basically the same, save for the pant legs on Venkman and the heads, of course. Also the hands on Winston, but we hope you already knew that. Each figure includes a great deal of detail with gadgets hanging off of belts, little holders for walkie talkies, appropriate emblems on their jump suits and the all important Proton Pack, which is a separate sculpted piece, but one you'd be hard pressed to remove. Likenesses are....ehhhh....fair. You can easily tell who is who but largely, these won't win any awards. This is particularly glaring on the Dana (Zhul) figure, as she appears to be the victim of a bad painting mishap. It's the kind of thing where you wonder if there's an awesome sculpt under there, but production just missed entirely.
oh good God. Nightmare fuel.
BACK TO THE BOYS! Articulation is decent, though wobbly feet may keep you from completing dream poses. As is our way, we attempt to shoot every pose free standing and it took quite a bit of effort and minuscule tweaking for a good long time to get the figures to stand the way we wanted them to. While double knees came in handy for a kneeling position, trying the same on one knee proved impossible. Still, you'll notice there's enough to work with to jam out some funny poses worthy of the film. As we take a look at Louis and Dana, things are a bit different. These additions are a sort of "what you see is what you get" as I found it hard to get Louis or Dana into any position but standing, and Dana failed at that as well. The bottom line is YOU NEED THESE TO COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION and so...you shall buy. They'll just more than likely be leaning up against something.
ACCESSORIES are plentiful across the board with little bits you'll have to be mindful of, lest they roll off your work space and disappear forever next to that last cheese doodle that went missing 6 years ago. The Ghostbusters crew have a lot of the same extra hands, gloved and bare. The little cuffs on the gloved hands are not attached (made of softer plastic), so watch for them to roll away immediately. Ray get's his Ecto Goggles, Winston gets a ghost trap and Egon gets the PKE Meter. I'll note that as I handled some of these bits, the tiny decals were coming off. I had about 4 scattered about the work space and little idea where they came from. All of the boys get a proton stream that connects...umm...nowhere. It hurts the brain. I also found a tiny nub on the proton wand and thought this might be a way to attach it on the pack, but that was a fail for me as well. Louis gets no colander (mores the pitty) and Dana gets 2 extra right hands...for...you know what...I have no idea. Maybe it's so she can play rock paper scissors. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!! I'm sad to point out that even Dana's extra limbs are kind of ugly.
seriously...where does this thing go......
SO! We've got 13 dollar versions of these guys at Toys R Us, packed with all their accessories, and then DELUXE versions (which you see here) for comic shops, at a slightly higher price, packed with connectable pieces that will ONE DAY become the rooftop scene from the end of the film. How big is this thing going to be?? I almost didn't have enough room on our set to take a picture of just the pieces we've got so far!! Are these the greatest Ghostbusters toys every made? Sadly, no. More than a handful of missed opportunities here. Do you neeed to have them? If you are a fairly big GB fan, yes, have some!! The rooftop scene alone is worth the price of admission. Diamond Select fills a whole on your shelf no one else would ever dare fill, and for that, we can't thank them enough. Now..how much is it going to cost me to finish this damn thing??!!
Special thanks to Diamond Select for providing the Ghostbusters action figures.
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