Today, Marvel Studios released the official movie poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron...and it blew people's minds! Not only does the poster's cast lineup reveal the appearance of Anthony Mackie's "Falcon" in the film (something apparently long rumored but not confirmed) but the poster art itself explores just how deeply Joss Whedon has changed our favorite alien fighting super team. Kevin Feige explains...
"The Avengers films, ideally, in the grand plan are always big, giant linchpins," he said. "It’s like as it was in publishing, when each of the characters would go on their own adventures and then occasionally team up for a big, 12-issue mega-event. Then they would go back into their own comics, and be changed from whatever that event was."
Idle Hands analyzes the poster art, lays out the new look of The Avengers in their upcoming blockbuster film and exposes just how profoundly they've been changed by the previous film...
We've all seen the leaked size chart giving us an idea of the scale of the major players in Age of Ultron. Of particular interest was the behemoth Hulkbuster Iron Man Armor in relation to The Hulk himself, and how menacingly Ultron would be able to tower over his enemies...
Turns out...we were looking at it all wrong. By analyzing the newest poster art, we have revised the site chart to reveal massive changes in our mighty Marvel Movie Universe...
In an insane way, it makes sense that Nick Fury is so small now. The man has been beaten down by life, after all.
Of course i'm kidding, but this provides us the opportunity to vent over these fucking photoshop nightmares Marvel Studios often insists on throwing out there, often after some very artistic or just striking iconic images used as teaser poster art. More importantly, with LEGIONS of genius artists at Disney and AWARD WINNING comic artists at'd think they could generate art for every damn movie that would make the classic movie poster artists weep with joy that the world is soundly left in the hands of those that care. Instead...we get....these...things. Dear Marvel Studios. I love your movies. Your posters generally suck. Please fix. Your Pal, Paul.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
New Avengers: Age of Ultron Poster Changes Everything
age of ultron
marvel comics
marvel studios
movie posters
photoshop nightmares
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