I'm not 100% sure on what's been released already, but here's what it looks like to me...
JUST released:
Figure 4-pack with Raptor, Rustlord, Rex and Raven (are they doing these alphabetically?)
Figure 2-packs with Love Ranger and Tecknique, Sergeant Jonesy and Carbide, Omega and Brite Bomber, Black Knight and Triple Threat
Up Next:
NEW Single packs with Funk Ops, Red Knight, Aerial Threat, Brite Gunner, Crackshot, Chomp Sr.
NEW 2-packs with Mission Specialist and Dark Voyager, Battle Hound and Flytrap and two others with characters whose names I won't even pretend to know unless you're cool with names like Mr. Tomato Head and Limp Bizkit Fan. Pic below so you can sort that out yourselves! Pop into comments to educate me.
NEW Vehicles including the All Terrain Kart with Drift, Storm Wing with Lorem Ipsum and the MASSIVE 13 inch tall Battle Bus with Funk Ops!
NEW building environment The Port-A-Fort with Infiltrator
Pictures by Mat Hawkins of Of Course Collectibles
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