The series follows Kratos, the God of War, who, after exiling himself from his blood-soaked past in ancient Greece, hangs up his weapons forever in the Norse realm of Midgard. When his beloved wife dies, Kratos sets off on a dangerous journey with his estranged son to spread her ashes from the highest peak—his wife’s final wish. Kratos soon realizes the journey is an epic quest in disguise, one which will test the bonds between father and son, and force Kratos to battle new Gods and monsters for the fate of the world.
“The God of War is a compelling, character-driven franchise that we believe will captivate our global customers as much with its expansive and immersive worlds as its rich storytelling,” said Vernon Sanders, head of global television at Amazon Studios. “We are honored to share in the adventure of exploring the God of War mythology in such a momentous way with Sony Pictures Television, PlayStation Productions, and Santa Monica Studio.”
“We are so proud and excited to be working with our friends at Amazon Studios and our partners at PlayStation Productions to adapt this beautiful and heartbreaking game into a premium live-action series,” said Katherine Pope, president of Sony Pictures Television Studios. “Rafe, Mark and Hawk are crafting a transportive series that charts a path through the ancient mythological journey of Kratos.”
“God of War is one of PlayStation’s most awarded video games, so we’re excited to partner with Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios to bring our beloved franchise to fans and new audiences in a bold and authentic way,” said Asad Qizilbash, head of PlayStation Productions.
Rafe Judkins (The Wheel of Time) serves as showrunner and executive produces the series. Academy Award Nominees Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby (Iron Man, Children of Men) will serve as writers and also executive produce. Santa Monica Studio’s Studio Creative Director, Cory Barlog will also serve as executive producer. Additional executive producers include Playstation Productions Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan, Santa Monica Studio’s Yumi Yang as well as Vertigo’s Roy Lee. Santa Monica Studio’s Jeff Ketcham will serve as a co-executive producer.
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