Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Doctor Who Figures Keep Smilin'

To get this out of the way, I haven't watched any of these new episodes with your new fabulously hipsterific young Doc who I suspect drinks Starbucks and shakes his ass at danger. Correct? I thought so. Underground Toys is well aware your love for Whoville knows no bounds, so they promise to keep churning out action figures until we have no plastic left for cups and Tupperware (spell check told me to uppercase formal) and artificial hearts. In their newest lot, you'll find Prisoner Zero, Impure Dalek (not pictured because he's difficult), Smiler, Vampire Francesco and a Roman Auton. First off, if I were a vampire, I would definitely want my name to be Francesco, so I'm sad someone has already claimed this. Secondly, when you tell me there is an Impure Dalek, I picture a working door on the front and when you open it, there's a shriveled up little man in there with his hand on his package. UNCLEAN!!! Buy some toys this November, will you?


  1. dude, the new Doctor totally rules; you have no idea what you're missing! He's definitely rankin' up there already, and he proved that someone can be really young and still handle the part nicely, which makes me find #5 that much more disappointing....

  2. Well the whole season after Tenant left was about a crack...what does that tell you. It's not so bad, every Doctor is different. I'm eager for new season to see if River Song is the doctor of future. Imagine that him coming back as a her!
